This is my most adorable 3 month old grandson Omer and an altered crosstitching hoop I did with his photo.. I love flowers, I love shabby, I love blings and you can't use them with older boys.. But with 3 month old- the sky is a limit and my Prima stash is the second limit only
So old black hoop, covered totallt with old vintage curtain lace, grungeboard pieces painted to white with fairy dust glitter, lost of flowers, some pins, metals and his name
I decided to stick to this vintage clean colors- mostly white with a bit of blue as his eyes still are and some green like in the photo
Lots of work in a very small , not more then 6'' circle piece
I hope you like it-the other thing is that you can change a photo in a second and to use it as a rechangable
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Southern girls challenge for Blue and Green