This lo was made for AD THIS 9/21 DT - and the moment I saw this ad with hollywood girls I knew I an going to do it " upside down"- scrapping my own girls photos with their ugly green army uniforms and remembering 2 years of washing and ironing it.
So I used this green- brown colors with a bit of yellow (my girls shine in green after all) and very " army stile" embels- like metal- yarn- brown button ( the same they had on their uniform) and added some hidden journaling too.
The " once upon a time" - princess card (RAK from my friend ANAT S) and Queen on the pp are the " fairy tale" as they are queens of brands and stile that nobody can see on these photos.
I also added a bit of distressing- doodlling and green paint - and here it is- BEST HOLLYWOOD FASHION (LOL)
For this lo I used # 153 SKETCH from SCRAPSKETCH
It also has clips for SCRAP OUTSIDE THE BOX
I also was inspired by " SUCCULENT" photo of cactus of ETSY INSPIRED challenge and it is not only the colors. Cactus in hebrew is TZABAR- and it is a name for ISRAELI born . I was born in Ukraine, but my kids are TZABARS- and it means sweet inside and " don't touch me" from outside
דף זה שעשיתי בהשראת המודע עם בחורות מהוליווד הוא דף הכי ישראלי שעשיתי עד עכשו
אופנת עילת של מדי צהל מככבת בדף זה יחד עם תאומותיי המדהימות שכבר לא במדים אלא במותגים הוליוודיים אמיתיים
כמו שהבטחתי- העולם יראה את ישראל האמיתית- זו עם בנות 18 עם נשק ומדים
This is so pretty! I really love the layout and all the details!
Thanks for playing EtsyInspired this week!
עיצוב מקסים, אהבתי את הכותרת שמתלווה לתמונות!
look at you GOOOOO! This is TOTALLY rockin it out! Love what you've done here!
Thanks for playing along this time!
מאוד אהבתי את הרעיון והביצוע.
והשימוש בהיפןך בין הוליווד למדי צה"ל..
יחי ההבדל ה"קטן" ;]
So beautiful work!
this one rocks too ~ love the letters!!! thanks for playing twice!! we loves.
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