Friday 1 July 2011


About a month and a half ago someone on SNR linked to PLS site and I was just hooked. So pretty, so
vintage and retro, so much me. I decided to LIKE them on their FB PAGE and about a month ago I've seen that they have a DT call.. So I grabbed some printables from the site- also there are some free ones, I bought a few I loved - and made 2 new pages and one altered piece for the DT call. The company is a paper company with  some digi, I just could not  wait to order the paper stash, so I used home prints. Bingo! They loved me as much as I loved them and since August 2011 I am a PRETTY LITTLE STUDIO DT member. This time I am going to work with a real paper products- as soon as I get them. So you are welcome to see the PLS blog- we have challenges and giveaways every month too
See you there in August with my first DT Pretty works

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