Thursday 30 June 2011

My July Scrap with V class kit- 2 pages- in the shop. This will be my last class kit made for this shop as Ness, the owner, sold the shop and I don't think I am  going to submit for the new DT there. It was a great fun to design  page kits with " you can only use what is in the kit" things and as those kits were so small it was really challenging. But after all I am not this kind of " don't add anything from your stash " scrapper and this is a main reason not to try this kind of kits anymore. I just thought to leave this DT anyway as this was my second term there, but finally, as we say here " The  best job is done from a Heaven" and the owner's  change was just in time to move.. And as I have another new  manufacturer's  DT  to begin- you
can see it here tomorrow- I am just glad it came this way
I want to thank Ness for the chance to be on this team almost for 2 terms and to be a part a of a very talented group and I wish the new owner a lot of  success and luck 

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