Friday 30 October 2009

Sketches:creatively yours- my new DT

Starting next week , I'll be designing for Sketches: Creatively Yours
I did some challenges on this great blog and was really glad to say " yes" when
Ali invited me to be part of her design team.
We have fabulous artists on this DT- some were published lost of times , most are DT members for great blogs or manufacturers.
I am very excited to be one of them- and I hope to have fun .
For this team I decided to do " scripted" job- as I have lots of " unscripted" ones on other blogs- so I did all my 3 November sketches (lo-card- bookmark) " as is"- and I even like it. You' ll see it during next month .
Check the official announcement here.
And I hope to see you doing our challenges with us!!


  1. עירית, את עושה חיל ברחבי העולם.
    שיהיה בהצלחה !

  2. Welcome Irit!! So very excited you could join us at S:CY! We have some amazing talent there and you are a part of it. Bravo!!

  3. Congrats Irit on your DT-ship! Looking forward to create together :)

  4. בשעה טובה עוד
    תצטרכי לנהל יומן כדי לא לפספס:-)) אף התחייבות

  5. Congrats Irit! Looking forward to creating with you on CYS!

  6. congrats... can't wait to work with you


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