Monday 26 October 2009


II did this lo for Ad this inspiration and it actually fit A 2 Z inspiration challenge too.
It's very simple lo with one black cardstock and some color techniques and I used this book binding tape ( from office store) and old piece of white tulle from some flowers we got sometime in the past.
I think this one is good for this " 20 minutes lo " - as all you need to do is to get some acrylic paint, some plastic round shape ( here it was small vine plastic glass) and the white shapes were done with fingers, than I just added this binding tape (it has glue on it ) and a piece of die cut felt- has glue too, a bit of lace, some bling and this tulle and some Thicker's ac alphas. That 's it- cheap, elegant and fast lo.And yes- that's me at 36- these good old days!!
And this one is good for " make your own pp" for Method playground
Lo about myself- for Scrap whispers


  1. דף מדהים, ביצוע מושלם

    ואת נראית-מדהיםםםםם

  2. LO מקסים
    וכמה שאת יפה ואלגנטית


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