Tuesday 29 September 2009

Daddys darling

tThis LO was featured at Card of the week. com- Best in scrapbooking blogosphere at 30/9- thanks!!
This was probably the quickest and most non- expensive(for me) LO I ever did.
I did it for less than 20 min. and I used 1 Dream street pp only and added some old laced fabric I got from my secretary's mom ( a taylor) , some ribbon I just took from the chair back decoration of my own chair on summer 2009 biggest charity crop ever and some old lace I got in some swap. The title is costy- but I got it from A2Z scraplets as the random winner of their challenge , the PRIMA flower is from not expensive set of 2 , the self adhesive stitches- from some 1 $ store and I just used a bit of the pack and crystals- I use the same pack for ages.
And now for the photo- the second one of my early childhood that I scrap-
I am 1 year old , walking. talking and had only 2 teeth. Is it the reason I became a dentist? I don't think so. I think the reason I am a dentist and not a professional scrapper is that when I decided about my future I didn't even know what " scrap" is.. And I didn't know it until 4 -5 years ago too.
It was done for SKETCHY TUERSDAYS sketch challenge
It's also monochromatic lo- for OCC challenge
And also was Ersy inspired from this bronze antique jewelry .
And an inspiration for Scrap jacked
Distressing challenge for Scrap and stamp
Ribbons and trims- for DIE CUT DREAMS
Die cuts- the title is die cut- for Practical scrappers blog hop

Monday 28 September 2009


For this LO made for new AD THIS challenge DT work I decided to get my inspiration from small colored stripes and as I had great rainbow photo- all else was easy.
The techniques were masking / misting on the corner using what was left from previous die cutting- chalking white foam alphas with rainbow colors ,dooing some ribbon collage, misting lazer cut white paper and doodling around the page.
I used sketch for this challenge too- #152 from PENCILINES
As the " somewhere" alphas are die cuts it's good for a few challenges too:
Die cuts for One stop craft
Ribbons - lots om my rainbow- for DIE CUT DREAMS
Die cuts for blog hop on Practical scrappers
Stripes inspiration for SCRAP SCHEMES
Glitter- the " some where alphas- for Order in opus glue
Techniques- here is chalking, mask and mist,just misting, doodling- for
Ribbons- ALL MY RAINBOW- for Paper maniac

Sunday 27 September 2009

Cell wins....- LO

This page was published in SNR July 2010 issue

This LO was featured at Card of the week . com- Best in scrapbooking blogosphere at 9/27- THANKS!
The SCRAPSKETCH have this great blog hop- I have 3 NY phots of my DDIL waisting Ny for txt mgs and great color combo for Color combos
It also goes to ribbons and trims- my blue ribbon here- for DIE CUT DREAMS
So here there are- all 3 together - in this very new LO called " Cell wins"
More challenges- scroll down to see
And here is the journaling:
What do u want to see in NY?
My DDIL wants her cell phone..
This is unfair competition: NY vrs CELL PHONE
Guess who wins?
I used pp from MMI PENNY LANE collection , MM journaling spot, MM puffed alphas, Pink paisley chip alphas and chipboard borders- one paited with dabber paint and second with distress stickles- both from RANGER
Small piece of ribbon is from PROVO CRAFT- old one .
And I did the masking with plastic plate for blue circle and as I don't have blue mist I just used blue alcohol ink from Ranger mixed with water in mini mister from TIM HOLTZ I got at summer CHA.
I think the journaling and the theme are very effective - this is our reality now.
Ans some more challenges too:
Numbers for 3 clovers
זה דף מקליק מבחינתי- בתור שונאת סלולרי המושבעת
אלה תמונות של ניו יורק בשייט שכלתי ובני עשו- אבל במקום לראות את הנוספים כלתי מתעסקת עם הסלולרי שלה והכותרת אומרת הכל
הטוב שבדף זה זה ניצול של מספרים שתמיד נשארים בסטים אחרי שכל האותיות החשובות הולכות, אז נצלתי כמה וכמה
זה דף מאד פשוט ומאד מהיר- הדבר הארוך ביותר היה להמתין לייבוש של דבק נצנצים בצבע יין ששמתי על אחת מהצ'יפבורדים, את השני צבעתי בצבע אקרילי של רנג'יר ועשיתי עיגול כמעט בלתי נראה עם ספריי צבע מסביב ל.. צלחת פלסטיק חד פעמית


This LO was featured at Card of the week. com- Best in scrapbooking blogosphere ata 9/27- THANKS!!
I did TOP 5 at HOPE STAMPS ETERNAL with this lo- THANKS!
The Color combos blog is taking part in challenge blogs hop and have some nice color combo and I have some nice new LO in this colors (sort of) . So her it is- my DS and DDIL on their wedding day and it's fall lo too- we have lots of fall challenges this week.
It is very simple one - Around the block PP + DCWV scalloped paper+K&CO chipboard title+Q&CO adhesive felt+MM chipboards+ Provo rub ons and a piece of ribbon.
If you have great photo as I had- you can do it in 20 minutes and it is lovely for their wedding album
So for other challenges too:
Ribbon- for PAPER MANIAC
Fall leaves for Digital tuesday
Fall for My time to craft
Fall inspiration for Pals paper arts
Fall for Creative inspirations
Fall for ALL sorts
Color inspiration for HOPE STAMPS ETERNAL
Also colors for Color chef
Another fall- for No time to stamp

Saturday 26 September 2009


New LO for UNSCRIPTED SKETCHES #24 DT TAKE and this time it's nature one (lol- I do lots of nature all the time)
Simple lo with some techniques- masking and chalks, stitching the corner, self made acrilyc flower with double embossing and STAZON inking on, some white pen doodling around the page, border punch and some BG chipboards too.
HALF AND HALF title is for this half and half flower and the journaling is:
At the end of summer all our nature looks half and half
Half alive and half dead
At the end of the summer we begin to pray for rains
(yes- we actually do it- we have some special prays for the rainy season- as we need it very much here in Israel)
And I did this lo for some FALL challenges too- lots of them on the web this week- good for me (lol)
1. Color combo for Color thorowdown
2. Falling leaves- on the corner- for Digital tuesrday
3. Ribbon- for Paper maniac
4. Fall colors for Little paper shop
5. Punches- border binding edge- for Paper take weekly
6. Fall - for Stamp with fun
7. Punches-for Pile it on- binding edger
8. Embossing- for BG- the flower is double embossed and the chipboards are BG
9. Fall- for My time to craft
10. Fall inspiration- for Pals paper arts
11. Fall- for Creative inspirations
12. Fall- for BELLI challenges
13. Fall- for All sorts
14. ETSY inspiration- from green and brown jewelry
15. Workout #4 for SCRAP FIT
16. Distressing- all around the page- for Scrap and stamp
17. Fall colors- for No time to stamp
18. Butterfly and flower- for FLUTTER (BIG ONE HERE)

B&W- new lo- for All about me

This lo was featured at Card of the week . com- Best in scrapbooking blogosphere at 9/27- thanks!!
This lo won 3 rd place on Black with 2 blog challenge- thanks!!
There is a new challenge blog on web called " ALL ABOUT ME"
I never scrap myself and I have just a few photos of myself- but this time I decided to take their challenge as it is a blog hop too- 13 new challenge blogs in one great hop(not everything is relevant to me- there are some Cricut blogs and some digi ones - but some are great and I even took their challenges before).
So All about me challenge was " What color you are"- but before I did it as regular challenge they asked to do it as scraplifting for the hop- so I did scraplifting from " BROWN" lo- but with the same concept I was going to it do before.
I am black and white kind of person- there are no " grey " in between- only right or wrong / good or bad etc.
And I am b&w outfitter too- 90% of my closet are black items
But when I create I am very colorfull one- as I dream in COLOR
So here it is:
pp and white paper frill from Doodlebug collection and second pp - Mambi
Journaling spot form MM wedding
Transparency and ribbon- from MM Black tie
Lazer cut paper from Kmi
Felt flower- Q&CO
Black swirl and small balck felts- PRIMA
Grungeboard- TIM HOLTZ for 7 GIPSIES painted with white dabber from Ranger
Buttons- from some 1$ store in Orlando Florida
Chip alpha from BG and K & CO
I used corner rounder, did some distressing with black Memento ink and tied some home yarn
And noe for some challenges I can add:
BUTTONS- I have huge open here and a small one- for Paper cutz
Spots and dots- for Paper play
Ribbons- for Paper maniac
Buttons- for Whimsy stamps
Distressing - for SCRAP AND STAMP

Friday 25 September 2009


Another new LO for my DS wedding album- very simple one too
You can't do complicate ones when you have 2000 photos to pick and about 100 12*12 pages to do. So I just do some simple ones and once in a while- more complicated LO too.
This one is based on metal cardstock and MM shaped pp with some K&CO flowers, rubons and a bit of faux stitching too.
So it was made for Dotti divas inspirational challenge #3- circles- colors etc.
And for sketch- PAPER BLOOMS


I challenged myself to do LO in less than 30 minutes- so here it is- lovely one I think.
1 Mambi pp+ piece of DCWV glitter paper+1 MM flower+piece of Doodlebug frill+some Kelly Panachi stickers+1 small chipboard piece from HL+no name on it epoxy alphas and one great photo- that's it.And a cheap one too- as I used other stickers and chipboards for more and more of my wedding album LOs
My "NOW AND FOREVER" lo it done
N0 sketch, no techniques- simple and possible fast LO.
Not going for any competition
I have lots of this fast LOs for my sons wedding album- you can't spend hours for single LO when you have 2000 photos to scrap (kidding- I took 200 best ones only)
As for challenges- almost zero
DOTS for PAPER PLAY- dots on my flower

I had a good week- for good new year ( I hope)

This was good first week of our new year.
My 6 layouts were featured at Card of the week. com- best in scrapbooking blogosphere- thanks!! ( I actually finished 6 LOs? I am so proud of myself for this.. Once I did one for a week and was sure I am GREAT)
Than I won top 3 at DIE CUTS R US technique challenge for my WHEN U R THE KING lo- thanks!!
And won one of the TOP 5 at Color combos for my WE ARE THE WORLD lo-thanks!!
I also posted 3 works for my DT jobs- for AD THIS, UNSCRIPTED SKETCHES AND my challenge for KABOODLE DOODLES.
And did and mailed my October take for SIC DT- my new DT for FALL TERM.
And I finally got my random RAK from Getting creative with ANN- thanks, I love this cute frogs WHIMSY stamps a lot!!
And now I was told I am one of the mentioned artists on PRIMA AUGUST BAP- and this contest is so hard as all of the girls there are really outstanding.
I tried there twice before and thought to drop as they are so professional there- all of them. Thanks for PRIMA team too!! I just adore PRIMA!!
And finally I decided to begin my own monthly challenge- stay tuned- there
is a BLOG CANDY right now too-
scroll one post down

My new monthly challenge and BLOG CANDY too

HI GALS!! This is my challenge and my candy time- so read it carefully- you don't want to miss it.

As you probably know I am a challenge frick and love to combine as much chellenges as I can in one single project. All the time I got comments about being " combining queen" and this was the main reason to set my own monthly challenge with winners and monthly prize ( I am a shop owner after all- so I can do it )
So this is the way it's going to be:
Every second sunday of the month I'll put some very easy challenge- something that need one color to be in your work or one kind of product - not a theme and not a sketch.. Sounds easy? Not so.. As the winner will be a person who'll manage to do maximum current challenges in that entry- and if you win I am going to check your post and every single challenge you said you did to varify that you are the "CHALLENGE QUEEN"
So it's very simple way to win- just incorporate as many projects as you can in your entry including my simple one and no random draw needs.
The challenge queen will get great Rak from my Israeli web shop and it will be shipped anywhere in the universe- so it's open for anyone- and the CHALLENGE QUEEN badge for her own blog to display
It's also open for any kind of craft- do card, lo, altered piece, ATC, 3d project- anything is welcome as long as you can combine lots and lots of challenges in it.
Then I will pick my 3 faves too- the number of their challenges is not relevant and they are going to get some kind of " TOP 3" badge and small RAC from time to time- depends on number of entries I get
So stay tuned- the first challenge will be posted at October 11
And now- as I want the whole blogland to know about my news-
it's a CANDY TIME!!
This is the pick of my LOVELY candy for you (it's not a challenge one- just candy)
and you need to do all this steps to be in it
1. Do small post in your own blog about my new monthly challenge
2. Put this blog candy pick on your sidebar with the link to my post here
3. Come back into the comment section of this post (you 'll find the quick link to it on my sidebar too) and tell me that you did steps 1 and 2 with the link to your blog- you have time till 10/10 at midnight to do it
You did it- you are in my candy random draw that will take place at October 11- just before my first challenge is posted.
So spread the word about my challenge all over and come to play with me every month
It's good for you I can't play here- as you can never bit me (LOL)
SEE YOU!! V-V-V- that is (my free take of...) come-play- win
החלק העברי יגיע מאוחר יותר- אבל אתן מוזמנות להשתתף(למרות שיש לי ספק שמה שיש בקנדי יהיה לכן שימושי- אבל מה שיהיה בפרס האתגרים - לא תצטערו
-למשל מה דעתכן על קיט החנות של יוניטי בשביל התחלה
כי זה צפוי לפהיות הפרס למלכת האתגרים שתצליח לחבר את מקסימום אתגרים רלוונטיים לאותו רגע של חצירה לאתגר קום משלי - אולי צבע או מוצר מסויים ולא סקיצה או אתגר צבע שלם
אז תתחילו לעבוד- פרסמו את האתגר החדש שלי בבלוג שלכן ותוכלו לזכות בקנדי מפנק שלא קשור לאתגר העתידי
על מנת לזכות הקנדי יש לעשות פוסט קטן על אתגר החודשי החדש שלי בבלוג משלכן ואז לשים את התמונה של קנדי בצדי הבלוג עם חיבור לפוסט זה ואז לחזור אלי לפוסט זה ולהשאיר תגובה קצרה
עם חיבור לפוסט ובלוג שלכן. זהו- אתן בפנים
וגם אם חלק ממוצרים לא ממש מתאימים לישראל- יש כמה שכן- חותמת מדליקה של יוניטי, צבע של רנג'רת תבנית הבלטה ענקית של עוגת יום הולדת, כפתורים מקסימים ועוד
אז למה אתן מחכות- רוצו להפיץ את השמועה על הקנדי ועל האתגר החדש בארץ הבלוגים
להתראות בהגרלה

Thursday 24 September 2009


This lo was published in Scrapstreet June 2010 issue
I did this LO for my DDIL and as simple as it is- I like it very much.
The photo is great and PRIMA pp and flowers are too- so here it is for some challenges too
To add some dimention to the pick I stamped some flowers on the photo with white stazon and colored it with pencils- but it's hard to see.
The clock shows the actual time- 3 hours before wedding ceremony

Wednesday 23 September 2009

FLY- another fall LO

This lo was published in the very first issue of a new e zine called In a scrap creations March 2010 issue
As this magazine is a paid one- I can't add the link
This lo was featured at the CARD OF THE WEEK. COM - best in scrapbooking blogosphere at 9/ 24- thanks!!
This LO was between TOP 5 at HOPE STAMPS ETERNAL challenge blog- thanks!!
It is fall season and the web is full of autumn/ fall challenges . So I had this great photo of birds on their way to south and I found this lovely sketch at SCRAPPIEST # 31 - everything else was just " to do " list.
So PP from PINK PAISLEY was cut to circle shape with distressing , than I misted some leftover mulberry PRIMA paper to fit the colors. I stamped grains on cream paper with brown pigmrnt ink and heat embossed it with clear powder before I did freehand cut of this trees. The circles were done from some leftovers from my table- die cut and punches. The lazer cut pp from KMI was cut to fit the circle shape and I did my hand made flower again- this time with button as a center. I also found Bg chipboard shape on the table and used it as a tree and added some lace fabric, ribbon, cork, brown cardboard, and vintage post card sticker.
The title from PINK paisley was the finish- I wanted " BLANK SPACES" so it had to be short. (and the letters were used previosly lot of times- another problem ..)
Touch of distress stickles and a few brown crystal were done after all- I need some glimmer on my work.
So here it is- for lots of challenges :

Color combo for Color throwdown (I think it's cards only blog- but let it be so)
Fall - for Digital thuesday
Ribbon- for Paper maniac
No peeps lo- for SCRAP FIT ( left outs for tree are cosmo paper)
Die cuts and punches for Paper make up
Color combo - for Color chef
Heat embossing- for BG(the chpboard shape)
.Fall colors- from LITTLE paper shop
Fall - for STAMP WITH FUN - my trees are stamped
Buttons- on the flower- for WHIMSY STAMPS
Fall- for My time to craft
Birds- the photo only- but the whole lo is for it- for Penny's challenges
MOTIVE- circles and circles - all kinds of - for Scrapping it loud
SEPHIA color (mostly- not only) for Taggers StampMAN WEEK
Paper piecing- trees for sure- for La- la- land
Scene- for SUINK
FALL inspiration- for PALS PAPER ARTS
FALL0 for BELLI challenges
WOW- lots of challenges- but it's fall season.. At winter it will be snowflakes ...

Monday 21 September 2009

New card- as I don't have time to scrap

When I don't have time to scrap I just pull some of painted images I did before and do some cards.
So this cute girl image form WOJ was already painted with MARVY markers and I just did some standing card with color combo I found in Createalicious challenge blog (pink/ purple/ green and bourgondy)
Than I found a sketch for this standing card (regular sketch- I did it standing )
from Crazy 4 challenges - I just flipped it to the side.
Another challenges this card fits are ribbons for PAPER MANIAC
Distressing for CAPECAKE CRAFTS
Punches- inside paper- for PILE IT ON
Circles and purple for The crafty pad
Felt - the green swirls - for Practical scrappers
כשאין לי זמן לעצב דפים- וזה וקח זמן- אני פשוט שולפת ממגירה איזה חותמת שככר צבעתי בזמני החופשי ועושה איזה כרטיס שאין לי מושג למה הוא ישמש
אז כרטיס זה נעשה לכמה וכמה אתגרים והוא כרטיס שוכב שניתן להעמידו על השולחן בגלל הצורה של החיתוך - לא זוכרת מתי ומי לימד אותי לעשות את זה- אבל עשיתי אותם כבר מזמן- אז פשוט נזכרתי בצורת החיתוך


This LO was featured at CARD OF THE WEEK. COM - Best on scrapbooking blogoshpere at 9/22- thanks!!
This lo was made for AD THIS 9/21 DT - and the moment I saw this ad with hollywood girls I knew I an going to do it " upside down"- scrapping my own girls photos with their ugly green army uniforms and remembering 2 years of washing and ironing it.

So I used this green- brown colors with a bit of yellow (my girls shine in green after all) and very " army stile" embels- like metal- yarn- brown button ( the same they had on their uniform) and added some hidden journaling too.

The " once upon a time" - princess card (RAK from my friend ANAT S) and Queen on the pp are the " fairy tale" as they are queens of brands and stile that nobody can see on these photos.

I also added a bit of distressing- doodlling and green paint - and here it is- BEST HOLLYWOOD FASHION (LOL)
For this lo I used # 153 SKETCH from SCRAPSKETCH
It also has clips for SCRAP OUTSIDE THE BOX
I also was inspired by " SUCCULENT" photo of cactus of ETSY INSPIRED challenge and it is not only the colors. Cactus in hebrew is TZABAR- and it is a name for ISRAELI born . I was born in Ukraine, but my kids are TZABARS- and it means sweet inside and " don't touch me" from outside
דף זה שעשיתי בהשראת המודע עם בחורות מהוליווד הוא דף הכי ישראלי שעשיתי עד עכשו
אופנת עילת של מדי צהל מככבת בדף זה יחד עם תאומותיי המדהימות שכבר לא במדים אלא במותגים הוליוודיים אמיתיים
כמו שהבטחתי- העולם יראה את ישראל האמיתית- זו עם בנות 18 עם נשק ומדים


This week Kaboodle doodles challenge is mine and it is a recipe one:
use 1 solid cardstock- 2 patterned papers and 3 embels -it can be same or different- but 3 and also use a digi image. As this week sponsor is SOFT PENCILS- so DT were asked to use their digi images - and this cute bear was great for my altered candy box.
I kept this plain brown box this the original wrap to alter some time and here it is.Dotty paper from .. who remember- it just was on the scrap stash on my table
I added some embossed cardstock from ATD pack and PRIMA pp too.
I also used border punch for the box front and PRIMA flower with bling and than cutted digi image was colored with MARVY markers and I added 2 plastic
shapes from Dress it ups.
The box is usable and the bear is removable and has some magnet on the back- it is big- about 5'' magnet.
As always it fits some more current challenges:
3. Pink brown color combo for CRAFT
4. Animals for Creative inspirations
5. Punches- for PILE IT ON
6. Punches for TUESDAY TAGGERS
7.Hidden treasure for Cute card- it is a magnet on the box to take off and use
8. Recipe- for SIMON SAYS
9. Punches ( the lace on the box) for Paper make up
משימה שאני הצבתי בבלוג של קבודל הפילה אותי כיוון שלא חשבתי על איך אני אישית מתמודדת איתה
אני אשת קישוטים רבים ולהסתפק ברק שלושה קישוטים הייתה בשבילי משימה קשה
החלטתי על עיצוב מטופל לקופסה חומה של שוקולדים שהייתה לה גם עטיפה חיצונית שאחרי שהפכתי אותה לצדה הלבן קבלה עיצוב חדיש ומחודש
הדמות ניתנה לנו לשימוש למשימה ועשיתי דובי גדול וצבוע בצבעים של מרבי שהוא גם מגנט מתפרק למקרר
אחרי שכבר צלמתי כיסיתי אותו בדבק שקוף תלת מימדי דמוי זכוכית- אבל זה לא מצטלם היטב ולכן עשיתי
את זה רק אחרי הצילום
אני מזמינה את כולכם להשתף במשימה זו כיוון שפרס הוא דמויות דיגי חמודות באמת- כאלה שקל לצבוע וקל להגדיל ללא פרטים רבים והם לא ניתנים בחינם בשום מקום

Saturday 19 September 2009

We are the world- LO

This lo made on of TOP 5 at COLOR COMBO challenge blog- thanks!!
This lo was done in less than an hour from the minute I' ve seen the Song challenge on Scrapping the music- last day of it.
I just knew that I need to scrap my daughters and their girlfriends and my new DIL as they are the the children and the future of this world.
I decided for shabby look with b/w and rusty color for color challenge and the pp from MMI was perfect.
So I added this music vellum I got as an envelope from my friend Mimi(thanks ) and some PRIMA items: flowers- felt - pearls and journaling spots.
Actually I messed with journaling as the paper had great journaling spot build in- but you can fix everything in scrapbooking so I added 2 spots for more interesting look.
Bg chipboard ABC was a prize I got for SIC blog (thanks) and the lace is from..
Who knows? Last and not least- fleur de lis bling from MM- is for being all 7 girls proud girlscouts for 9 years.
As it was quick lo I just used some distressing and inking with no stamping or handmade embels
So now for the challenges for this LO-what can I do if all of this are in my LO?
1. Sketch from new to me challenge blog- Sketchy thursdays
2. THEME- for Scrapping the music
3. Color combo for COLOR COMBOS
4. Pearls and swirls for Cupcake craft
5. Embels for La- la- land
7. Vellum-for All that scraps
8. One for girls (7 girls here) for Secret crafter
9. Shabby for Everybody's art
10. Shabby for Daring cardmakers
11. FELT for Practical scrappers- all these black swirls from prima
דף זה הוכן בחופזה כיוון שמשימה של אנחנו העולם הייתה לקראת סיומה ומאד רציתי לעשות דף לשיר מדהים זה של מייקל ג'יקסון
דף זה נבנה מכיתוב שבו כתבתי את עתיד העולם שלנו- 7 בנות יפיפיות- שתיים שלי ואחת גם שלי- כלתי החדשה בתמונה קטנה
שבע אימהות לעתיד- 7 עתידות של העולם שלנו
סמל פלר דה ליס נבחר בכוונה כיוון שכל הבנות היו צופיפניקיות במשך 9 שנים - רובן היו רש"גדיות ומדריכות בכירות וצופים היו בשבילן בית שני
דף זה גם מלמד איך מתקנים טעויות- בדף היה מקום מיועד לכיתובים- פשליתי בו אז כיסיתי עם שני פתקיות לכיתוב כדי לתת עומק וגם לתקן את הפשלה
הצבעים והסקיצה נבחרו למשימות אחרות אבל התאימו לתמונה ולקיושטים שחשבתי לנצל בכל מקרה


This lo was featured at Card of the week. com- Best in scrapbooking blogosphere at 9/ 19 - THANKS!!
I just love this sketch- it's so versatile!!So I decided to take it a bit unscripted
and to move the main part of it to the corner.I made it for my only and lovely american niece TAMAR who was 10 two weeks ago and these are my wishes for her. It's her L world with her L words.
The basic paper is from ADORNIT, than I added plain vellum, lots of die cuts from pp (BG mostly) and ... brads!! I hate brads and I have lots of them- so here each brad is for some L.
I added a bit of doodling with white pen and faux stitches, hand made crochet flower, some plain ABC stickers and Pink paisley chipboard ABC.
wow- girly page and no ribbons and flowers- not me for sure
And as always it was done for some other challenges too:
1. Hand made flower for Scrapping out loud
2. Something faux- stitches- for Paper take weekly
3. Die cuts for TUESDAY TAGGERS
5. ONE FOR GIRLS for Secret crafter
דף חדש למשימה של צוות המעצבים שלי- סקיצה מספר 24
זו סקיצה נהדרת אם לוקחים אותה לכרטיס ברכה או לדף מחולק ל 9 יחידות- אבל רציתי משהו שונה- לכן הזזתי את כל הסקיצה לפינה
עשיתי את הדף לתמרי האחיינית האמריקאית שלי שהייתה בדיוק בת 10 לפני שבועיים ורציתי לאחל לה דרך צלחה בחייה- וכך נולד הקונצפט של -חיים שלך- מטרות שלך -וכולן באות אחת
השתמשתי בדף זה בשני מוצרים שהם מאד לא נפוצים אצלי- סיכות מתפצלות ווולום
חתכתי המון במכונת חיתוך לדף זה וגם שרבטתי המון עם עט לבן
שימו לב- דף בנות ללא פרחים וללא סרטים- גם זה אפשרי

Friday 18 September 2009

Wall deco

I did this cute wall deco for my " m&t " classes - but it was a bit empty(it ment to teach alcohol ink with pressed air tech+stamping on acrylic with Stazon)- so I colored this cute image with wathermarkers and added it here- and now I really like it.
So here it is-perfect for some challenges:
1. Floral fantasy for Ooh- la- la
2. Pearls (the pin) and swirls for CUPCAKE CRAFT
3. Ribbon for Paper maniac
4. Ribbon for Tuesday morning sketches
5. Paints and media for DIE CUTS R US
6. Embels (RIBBONS- BLING- FLOWERS) for La- la- land
7. Tech challenge ( alcohol ink with compressed air spray and Stazon on acrylic ) for Scrapbooking Stampede
8. Sketch for Stamp with fun - a bit twisted but still...
9. Shubby- for Everybody's art
10. Mix it up for FLOURISHES
11. Flower power for Charizma
12. Shubby shick for Daring cardmakers
13. Favorite colors- green- blue- purple- for Stamp something
לימדתי את הבסיס של מתלה זה במרתון היצירה שלי בסוף חודש אוגוסט אבל הוא נראה לי ריק
לכן שדרגתי אותו עם דמות מוחתמת וצבועה וכעת זה ממש חמוד לטעמי
בכל מקרה זה היה ללימוד של טכניקות- דיו אלכוהולי עם אוויר דחוס והחתמה עם דיו סטאזון על משטח אקרילי שקוף

Thursday 17 September 2009

When you are a king- lo for my DS AMIR

This lo was published in June issue of SNR

This LO did TOP 3 at techniques challenge on DIE CUT R US challenge blog-
Amir- my second DS is still on his long vacation after his army service and I have hundreds of his photos to scrap.
So when I see great multiphoto sketch with no swirls - pearls and flowers- I take some of his picks and just scrap it.
So this lo was done for Let's capture the sketch challenge and I used a lot of paint here- not my usual trend.
I used Tattered angels mist with their crown and label, Ranger's green paint,
white pen for doodling aroud the photos, PRIMA pp, some MM chipboards, some old PROVO chopboards, K&CO ABC and lots of left overs from the " on the table bin"
And the title is so me and so my son- this DONOVAN song is in my guts.
And it also was done for some other challenges-
2. Tags for PAPER PLAY
So my dear son- happy jewish new year for u too (we'll miss you around the table this year - come back soon!!)

Me & my big dummy- lo

We don't have any babies in our family now- so when I saw this photo of my good friend's EINAT new grandchild I asked for it and here it is- LIAM & his huge dummy. And it goes to EINAT as my RAK- HAPPY NEW YEAR (OUR JEWISH ONE) TO YOU EINAT!!
So at first I looked for some challenges(lol) and here it is:
1. A sketch for Addicted to sketches
2. Color combo for Color throwdown
3. Recipe ( vines- leaves- &- rectangles) for PUZZLES
4. Inspiration for BG
5. Favorite embells- chipboards- ribbons - for Stamp simply
6. BABY theme for Cute daisy may
7. Polka dots - on fabric- for My time to craft
8. Scallops- around the photo- for PENNY'S
9. Something faux- rub on stitches- for Paper take weekly
10.Embels ( ribbons- brad- flower- pins- chipboards etc) for La- la- land
11. Ribbon- for Paper maniac
12. Color challenge for EASY BREEZY KEWL
13. Distressing for SISTERHOOD OF SCRAP
16. Inspiration (colors) for Etsy inspired (Vera B. PEACOCK)
17. Color inspiration for Stamp with us
18. Hand made flowers for Scrapping out loud
And here are the products I used here:
BG pp- PRIMA pp (cuts)- BG chipboards- PINK PAISLEY ABC-MM ABC- AC THICKERS ABC- JOLEE'S sticker- ribbons- fabric- pins- misc (don't remember the origin)
דף זה נעשה עם תמונה של הנכד הראשון והמתוק של עינת חברתי- וזה גם חוזר אליה מעוצב כמתנתי לראש השנה
זה כמובן הוכן למספר רב של אתגרים וחבל לי צאד להפרד ממנו- אז אולי אני אעשה עוד אחד דומה כשעינת
תתן לי תמונה אחרת
רשימת החומרים ואתגרים- בחלק הלועזי- אין טעם לתרגם את השמות של בלוגים או של חברות של חומרים
חג שמח לכולנו