Friday 25 September 2009

I had a good week- for good new year ( I hope)

This was good first week of our new year.
My 6 layouts were featured at Card of the week. com- best in scrapbooking blogosphere- thanks!! ( I actually finished 6 LOs? I am so proud of myself for this.. Once I did one for a week and was sure I am GREAT)
Than I won top 3 at DIE CUTS R US technique challenge for my WHEN U R THE KING lo- thanks!!
And won one of the TOP 5 at Color combos for my WE ARE THE WORLD lo-thanks!!
I also posted 3 works for my DT jobs- for AD THIS, UNSCRIPTED SKETCHES AND my challenge for KABOODLE DOODLES.
And did and mailed my October take for SIC DT- my new DT for FALL TERM.
And I finally got my random RAK from Getting creative with ANN- thanks, I love this cute frogs WHIMSY stamps a lot!!
And now I was told I am one of the mentioned artists on PRIMA AUGUST BAP- and this contest is so hard as all of the girls there are really outstanding.
I tried there twice before and thought to drop as they are so professional there- all of them. Thanks for PRIMA team too!! I just adore PRIMA!!
And finally I decided to begin my own monthly challenge- stay tuned- there
is a BLOG CANDY right now too-
scroll one post down


  1. איזה יופי!!!
    פשוט תענוג לראות כמה חיל את עושה!

  2. Wow, you've been busy! Congrats on everything, you are a great artist! :D


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