Sunday 27 September 2009

Cell wins....- LO

This page was published in SNR July 2010 issue

This LO was featured at Card of the week . com- Best in scrapbooking blogosphere at 9/27- THANKS!
The SCRAPSKETCH have this great blog hop- I have 3 NY phots of my DDIL waisting Ny for txt mgs and great color combo for Color combos
It also goes to ribbons and trims- my blue ribbon here- for DIE CUT DREAMS
So here there are- all 3 together - in this very new LO called " Cell wins"
More challenges- scroll down to see
And here is the journaling:
What do u want to see in NY?
My DDIL wants her cell phone..
This is unfair competition: NY vrs CELL PHONE
Guess who wins?
I used pp from MMI PENNY LANE collection , MM journaling spot, MM puffed alphas, Pink paisley chip alphas and chipboard borders- one paited with dabber paint and second with distress stickles- both from RANGER
Small piece of ribbon is from PROVO CRAFT- old one .
And I did the masking with plastic plate for blue circle and as I don't have blue mist I just used blue alcohol ink from Ranger mixed with water in mini mister from TIM HOLTZ I got at summer CHA.
I think the journaling and the theme are very effective - this is our reality now.
Ans some more challenges too:
Numbers for 3 clovers
זה דף מקליק מבחינתי- בתור שונאת סלולרי המושבעת
אלה תמונות של ניו יורק בשייט שכלתי ובני עשו- אבל במקום לראות את הנוספים כלתי מתעסקת עם הסלולרי שלה והכותרת אומרת הכל
הטוב שבדף זה זה ניצול של מספרים שתמיד נשארים בסטים אחרי שכל האותיות החשובות הולכות, אז נצלתי כמה וכמה
זה דף מאד פשוט ומאד מהיר- הדבר הארוך ביותר היה להמתין לייבוש של דבק נצנצים בצבע יין ששמתי על אחת מהצ'יפבורדים, את השני צבעתי בצבע אקרילי של רנג'יר ועשיתי עיגול כמעט בלתי נראה עם ספריי צבע מסביב ל.. צלחת פלסטיק חד פעמית


  1. דף מקסים, אהבתי את הכותרת ואת הג'ורנלינג.
    גם אני שונאת סלולרי ובכלל טלפונים !

  2. What a funny L/O! I love it! Great celebration of these cool colors to tell your story! Sorry about the cell phone vs. you thing.... Kids! Fabulous job!

  3. Fantastic you are first and so quick , What a great work of art fab layout
    Thank you for playing along with the DCD challenge
    Hugs Susie xx

  4. What a great lo, and the story is too cute!!
    so glad you joined us this week at SPCC!!

  5. This is so cute! The story is what scrapbooking is all about. Thank you for using SPCC colors.

  6. Love the LO and story! Great job!

  7. Thanks for playing SPCC. What a beautiful layout. Please check out my own blog for blog candy this week.

  8. nice and soft colours and I really like the scalloped edge. Thanks for joining the DCD challenge this week.

  9. Great layout and it captures a cute/funny story perfectly. Oh, teenagers!!!

  10. Great job with this week's color combo.

    Emily-SP Diva

  11. Awesome LO!!!!
    Thanks for playing along :O)
    SPCC Creator

  12. Hi Irit, Great layout, love those trims they are fab. Thankyou for joining in the DCD challenge this week.
    Love n hugs
    Vikki xx

  13. Great page...wonderful pictures. Thanks for including 3CTC in your challenges this week!


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