Monday 22 January 2018

Top 10 for 2017 Blog Hop

Edited: Sorry for not picking my winner earlier, but my new grandson was born on 1/1/18 and my whole life was a bit around this event.
So I decided not to do it with random pick, but just to make a summary of his birth date and 1+1+1+8 is 11, so my winner is number 11.
 Laura Cox- your my my winner!
Please e- mail me  with your shipping addy to get your win!
And again- very sorry for the delay, but I was a bit out of the blog loop lately.

Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to our mutual TOP 10 blog hop.

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Here are my  Top 10 as I picked them for my own (read about it, please) reasons.
 This year I was mostly concentrated in making altered and Mixed Media projects with a small touch of CAS cards and a small number of scrapbooking layout.
Most of my favorite projects were made for one of my design teams or for some challenges and lucky me even won some great prizes for them.
I hope that you came from Laura's blog

Altered Mixed Media notebook
This project was made for a contest of Fave Crafts blog as a part of Prime CHA event for  those who attended the event and got some goodies from different sponsors.
The best 20 projects were picked by blog admin and then it was a public voted competition with $1000 prize.
And I WON IT! Public voted win and a great cash to spend on more  goodies.

This altered Steampunk box was made as a part of my designing for BoBunny and was made with cardstock only, using dies, stencils , embellishments from BoBunny and paints and mediums from Pentart.
This box was in print in the latest VOL.10 Just Steampunk! print magazine and made a cover too.

This altered canvas is another Mixed Media project made for some web challenges and yes, I won some and was spotlighted in some more with this canvas.

And after few grungy projects I decided to show one shabby and bright tag made for a couple of web challenges and actually I won one and got great prize for this win.
This is a double tag made with stencils, chipboards, paints, dies and patterned cardstock  in this " light Mixed Media" style.

This is another Mixed Media canvas made for BoBunny with their products and Pentart paints and mediums and yes, I am back to grungy Mixed Media style.

In between dark and Steampunk projects I made a few CAS cards too.
This card was made for Magenta DT call after I made round 1 and gor some of their products and I made this team and design for Magenta for the last few months.

A I already told you I didn't scrapbook much  during this year, cut I still made a few nice layouts.
This layout with my daughter's wedding photo was made for Scrapberry DT I served till June this year.
 I really love my totally modern girl on this vintage style layout.
Hope you like it too!

Next one of my favorite projects is this shaker card that was in print in Craft Ideas Summer issue magazine.
 It looks like a simple card, but the inside of stars is stamped and heat embossed and stars are die cut and glittered, so after all it's a kind of not so simple card after all.

Another Mixed project that I like a lot is this altered notebook cover with Mixed Media faux wood background and totally cute embellishments cluster that was made for print publication and was in print in the latest new issue of Just Christmas cards and decorations! 2017.

And the last , but not least is this cute shabby Mixed Media card

So as you can see I picked my own favorites in different styles, but it's still me and my own styles after all.
Now  you should visit the next blog in the hop-Nicole's blog

And yes, I do have a lovely giveaway for you to win.
As you can see this is a mini clor board, 2 sets of dies and three sets of stamps and they all are new in packages.

To win this giveaway you should be my blog follower, my Instagram follower and my new video channel follower AND TO COMMENT ON THIS POST THAT YOU MADE ALL THREE.

So subscribe for them all and you are in the draw and it doesn't matter where you live!
The last day to enter to my draw is December 31 and I will post the winner in this updated post on January 1.
I would ship the giveaway to any winner around the would.
Thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. Love your Santa 🎅🏻 one 🤓

  2. Hi Irit, your Santa is my favorite :)
    I made all 3 :)

  3. Wow, your work is amazing, I just subscribed to all three!! So much talent!!!

  4. Wonderful projects Irit! I really love the wedding layout of your daughter.

  5. Love all your work especially the mixed media projects! Now following you on all 3.

  6. Love your projects! Following all 3! Your Santa notebook cover is awesome... love it!

  7. I am a long time admirer of your work and especially love the altered steampunk box and the wedding layout of your daughter! I follow on all 3 and can't wait to see what you make in 2018!

  8. Such beautiful work! That mixed media card is just WOW!!

  9. I have been admiring your work for some time now and am finally following you (all 3). I don't know what took me so long. Your favorites are all truly amazing. I can see why you win a lot. :-)

  10. I love the variety of styles in your projects and especially like the artsy altered canvas and box. Your bright, shabby chic tag is so very beautiful and a great contrast to the grungy pieces. I am following you on all three!

  11. Lovely projects. You do such beautiful work with mixed media.

  12. I loves all your projects. I know it isn't in this post but I love the Blue Fairy Card. I followed every way I could find but didn't find a way to follow via email.

  13. Your projects are fantastic.
    I made all three!
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  14. Now following you with bloglovin, following your new video channel and trying to get instagram to work for me. Love your projects especially the altered steampunk box.

  15. wow, love all your mixed media pieces. the best.
    I am a followed of your blog, instagram, and your youtube channe

  16. Wow!! Gorgeous creations! Your mixed media works are amazing!!
    I'm a follower of your blog, instagram and youtube channel. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  17. Hi Irit, I'm just wondering if you announced the winner of your blog prize yet? Thanks, and happy new year!


Would love to read your kind comments