Saturday 17 June 2017

Altered book cover with Art Anthology

Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to my Art Anthology new post.
Today I am going to share  my new chipboard mini book cover made with bare chipboards and gorgeous Art Anthology products.

 Here are some close- ups to the painted , stencilled and misted cover.

I decided to stay in grey- blue and purples and to make it vintage dark in just three colors.

Metal pieces, small chipboard plate, fabric and paper flowers were also painted and misted into the matching colors.

 And as always I made a full step by step Snapguide tutorial for you that you can see HERE:
Check out How to Make Chipboard Mini Book Cover by Art Anthology on Snapguide.
I enter this are piece to some web challenges:
Altair Art- Chipboards

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work!!! Love colors combo. Thanks for sharing with us at Altair Art - chipboard challenge


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