Friday 26 May 2017

Sin City bookmark

Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to my book mark tutorial made for Sin City stamps blog.
This is one of my first attempts with Misti and my very first attempt with water color markers and I made it in my own and different stamping way as you can see in my small tutorial.

Product list:
Sin City stamps - Natural Beauty stamp set

Other products:

Misti Stamping tool
Water color paper
Spectrum Noir markers
Black archival ink
Black cardstock
Twine and bead

Step by step tutorial:
1. Arrange the water color paper and the stamp in the Misti tool. Cover the stamp with pink and green water color using markers. Wipe the paper with baby wipe and stamp over it.
As you can see it's just the color base and not the fine stamping seen on the paper.

2. Leave the cardstock and the stamp in the same place. Ink the stamp with black ink and stamp over the water color image.

3. Stamp the leaves with another Sin City stamp in the same way: first the marker color over wiped cardstock and then the black fine image over it.

4. Add more leaves images over the cardstock piece. Make some without the baby wipe to get another stamped look of the same stamp.
Make masks by stamping with ink on  thin paper and cover the stamped images with these masks.
Now  stamp over the images with the same two steps technique.
P.S. The left piece is just the left over to cover the Misti tool and not to be used as a part of a project.

5. Cut the stamped piece to a book mark size. Add the black cardstock matting. Make a hole and tie the bead over the twine.

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