Tuesday 14 February 2017

Got Steampunk tag with SinCity

 Hello my dear crafty friends! My name is Irit from Irit Shalom Designs blog and this is my first ever blog post as Sin City Stamps design team member.I am totally thrilled to be a part of this team and I hope to do my very best to showcase you the beauty and versatility of Sin City stamps. I am a big fan of everything Steampunk. So first I asked for Steampunk stamps and when I got them I decided to use quite a few of them for my first project and this is how this Got Steampunk? tag was born. Product list: SinCity stamps Clock with crown vintage style  Got Steampunk Hot air balloon with wooden barrel basket Small cogs and gear Steampunk Steampunk definition phrase 1923 Numerals Other products: Chipboard tag- Tando Creative UK White gesso Texture paste Stencil- Tando Creative UK Black pigmented ink Clear embossing powder DecoArt Media line acrylic paints Inktense pencils Teal Antiquing cream
Small  bolt chipboards Metal corner and cogs Scissors Baby wipes Liquid glue Glossy Accents Paint brush Misty stamping tool Step by step instruction for this tag: 1. Cover the tall thick chipboard tag with a thin layer of white gesso.
2. Add a thin layer of texture paste over stencil and let it dry.
3. Stamp  with 1923 stamp randomly using pigmented black ink and heat emboss with clear embossing powder.
4. Add some random stamping with Cogs and gear stamp in the same technique as the previous step. Paint with a mix of fluid acrylic paints.
5. Paint the edges with another acrylic paint and move some to the middle of  your tag.
6. Stamp the Hot air Balloon with black pigmented ink. You don't really need a fancy stamping tool  used here, but if you have it it makes your life easier.Heat emboss the stamped image with clear embossing powder.
7. Stamp the title, the vintage clock and the Steampunk definition in the same way and hand cut them both.
8. Hand cut the stamped Hot Air Balloon and color it with pencils. The pencils used here were Inktense, but any markers or pencils will do a job. Glue the colored image over the tag as shown.
9. Add Copper Metallic acrylic paint using baby wipe over the tag.
10. Paint the two other stamped pieces with copper paint and add some Antiquing teal cream. Let it partially dry and then wipe with  baby wipe.
11. Paint the bolt chipboards as shown with a mix of two acrylic paints.Glue the circle on the top of the tag and all 4 bolts over the definition stamped piece.
12.Arrange all stamped pieces over the tag as shown. Add a couple of metal cogs painted in the same way as bolts.Use Glossy Accents to glue all metal pieces. Add the cord on the top of the tag. Add the metal corner.
And now to some close- ups of the finished project:

That's it for today. I hope  that you liked my Steampunk tag and will try to make a similar one with our gorgeous Sin City stamps.
You can also find ALL the stamps that were used to make this project on the Steampunk Circus set.
 I also enter this to some web challenges:
Simon Say Monday challenge- use your favorite tool- stencils and  my old heat gun as always!


  1. Love this lots, so much wonderful detail! Thanks so much Irit!~kim

  2. This is amazing, so many layers and so much detail. Fabulous tutorial too. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra


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