Friday 28 October 2016

Scrapmatts October inspiration: Travel layout

Hello my dear crafty friends! This is my layout made as a part of my inspirational post made for Scrapmatts company.
 I don't scrap myself too much, so whenever i have good photos and lovely projects I scrap a bit about our travels.
And as we travel a lot I don't even remember what country it was, also I am pretty sure is was somewhere in Southern or Eastern Europe and it was last year.
So I made this layout with DCWV travel collection and as always the Scrapmatts chippies are my real stars.
I added two circled chipboards around the title on the top and the subtitle on the bottom. Both were painted in dark red to add some additional color to this mute layout.
The subtitle is the Scrapmatts word TRAVEL painted in black and layered over Scrapmatts filmstrip (painted in black too).
All around the page I added green ink circles using Scrapmatts Circles stencil. It looks like a kind of leaves and complete the circles  that are present over the page.
A chipboard chain is added under the photo to frame it and to separate from the patterned background.
An here are some close ups to this page:

And here is a list of Scrapmatts products used on this page:

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