Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy day wishes: chalkboard technique

 This is a card I made a long time ago and sent to print. As it was  already print published, I can show it here and maybe to use for some web challenges too.
Made with Sweet Stamps in my beloved chalkboard technique with white ink plus white embossing powder stamping over black solid cardstock and adding some more white ink around the images.
I enter it to Happy Little Stamper Case the designer challenge- black and white and flowers.


  1. Very beautifully done! I love the chalkboard style! Thanks so much for joining the Happy Little Stampers May CASE the Designer challenge.

  2. Lovely card, Irit! I love the chalk board technique. Thanks for playing along at HLS CASE the Designer for May. Melissa (HLS CASE Designer for May) :)


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