Thursday 26 November 2015

Non traditional Christmas ornament tutorial

 Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to my new Makin's Clay tutorial.
As this month we make Holidays projects, I decided to make an ornament. But then I decided that I want it full of glitter and in non traditional colors.
So pink, blue and golden yellow colors were the colors I picked for this project.
Another thing I tried to do in this tutorial was to find a few ways to add glitters to Makin's Clay and to see the ways that I like while working with glitter inside or over the clay.
So here is my step by step tutorial for you and I am sorry for the not so good photos, but it's raining here for a few weeks already and I can't do outside photos with the good light.
1.  The first way to add glitter to Makin's clay is to cover the wet clay with some glazing medium and just to sprinkle the glitter over. After the glitter is dry we can see this sparkling clay.
So first I covered the $1 plastic tree ornament with the wide circled yellow clay snakes made with Makin's Professional   Ultimate Clay  extruder.
I took a whole package of the  yellow clay to make the cover of the 1/3 top and 1/3 bottom as I used the very thick rolls, but if you want to cover it all, use the smaller circled disc and it will cover the whole ball.

2. As a next step I covered the ball with Ranger Glaze Accents and added a generous amount of golden glitter. Now let it dry for a few hours.

3. While waiting for the ball to dry you can make your embellishments.
The pink embellishments were made with Makin's Clay Christmas Nature  push mold and another way to add glitter to Makin's Clay.
I used white clay and mixed it generously with red glitter. I used the  Makin's Proffecional Ultimate Clay Machine to mix the color and it's not very glittery after all, but the color is pretty and looks like some kind of pink marble.
The mixed clay was pushed into the mold and  I trimmed the edges when it was totally air dry.As it wasn't too too sparkling for me, I added a bit of blue glitter over the dry pieces.

4. While waiting for the pink  shapes to dry, I moved to another  way  of adding glitter to Makin's  clay.
I made the thin sheets of white clay using theMakin's Proffecional Ultimate Clay  Machine on setting #5 and covered the wet pieces with blue glitter.

5. The dry thin sheet were then die cut with a snowflakes dies. I need to say that the dies I used didn't cut the #5 setting clay sheet too well, so I helped them a bit with  scissors later. The best die for  dry clay sheets are Sizzix Bigz and not those thin dies from all other companies.

6. Now I arranged the molded and die cut pieces over the dry golden ornament  using hot glue and you can see this beauty from 3 sides as there are a lot of  clay shapes over the ball.

And this is how it looks from the top.

All you need is just to hang it on your Christmas tree!

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