Wednesday 7 October 2015

You can do it art page with VLVS

This art piece is a kind of " stamp first and then find the title" one and it's totally different from my usual kind of crafting.
It's a Mixed Media piece made over 8*6 chipboard with all possible mediums.
I made the background with stencils and texture paste, gel mediums and glass beads, mists, paints and two VLVS stamps that was stamped on tissue paper.
When you have a very textured piece of art the only way to stamp over it is to add your stamped over tissue image and to glue it with gel medium or Mod Podge. As I really wanted this single Man in flying machine image on my art piece I had to find the title that fits this image and the general " fly away" theme. 
I didn't want to make it general in this " Sky is a limit" style. So finally I found those very old leather letters and made this" YOU CAN DO IT" title. And it means that if you try hard- you can do everything.
Even to fly. Or even more than just to fly.

Here you can see how the image over tissue becomes the part of the art piece and you can't even see the tissue edges.

Products used:
Flock of Geese Item 19465 Plate 1444  
Man in flying machine   Item 15967 Plate 1271
Inks- Ranger
Stencils- Tando Creative
Mists, paints- Tattered Angels
Other- texture paste, letters, tissue
I enter this art piece to some web challenges:
Craft stamper
 Mirror cracked Tic- Tac- Toe for the line RED- WALL HANGER - IT FLIES
SSSS- Fall colors
 That craft place- MM anything goes


  1. A stunning project Irit, it looks .......AWESOME.
    Thanks for sharing it with us over at The Mirror Crack'd.

  2. This is a great mixed media piece. The movement of the colors is perfect for that stamped image. Thank you for sharing your project with us for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. ~Michelle

  3. Such an awesome project!

    Thank you for joining us in the Craft Stamper challenge!
    xxx Ellie Knol xxx

  4. So Many techniques used on this piece and it works brilliantly. Thanks for joining in the challenge at The Mirror Crack'd and good luck with the challenge, Angela x

  5. A phrase that I say a lot (in my fake spanish voice...)! I just love this awesome colorful collage! Truly inspiring!

  6. What a fabulous little project. Thank you for joining in with the Craft Stamper Challenge .... good luck! Linda xx

  7. Such a great use of color and texture, so many great techniques used. Thanks for sharing your talents at The Mirror Crack'd.

  8. There is some gorgeous colour going on here. The image of the man and his flying machine is really funky. A perfect creation for our challenge.

    Thanks for sharing with us

    The Mirror Crack'd


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