Wednesday 5 August 2015

You are the light tag with Two Paper Divas

Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to my Christmas in August posts made for Two Paper Divas.
Actually it should have been Christmas in July, but with the shipping times  to us I got my stamps in the middle of the month and my July projects were already done with the previous release.
So for me this is Christmas in August posts  after all.
Just to say- I am Jewish and we don't celebrate Christmas. But as I was born in a  former USSR,  and as non religious as they were then, they celebrated the New Year with all Christmas characters, images, colors and whatever. So since my childhood I do love  Santa, presents, colors, songs  and everything Christmas connected and I   make  my art as the  art, not as a part of any religious ceremony. I really enjoy it and make good projects that are even print published in special Holidays editions. 
So this is a first of my Christmas projects- a gift tag made with a lot of gold.
Gold heat embossed  You are the light stamp; gold swirl of pearls; gold ribbon bow.Then I stopped with gold and moved to another traditional colors.
 I really love this stamp with the light in the window.  So if you need some new Christmas stamps- they are all in TPD shop and they are delicious!


  1. Christmas/holiday whenever....this stilled turned out beautiful!!!!

  2. Great tag Irit! Colors are beautiful. Melissa


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