Friday 7 August 2015

Wedding invitation (for a real wedding) with Ann Butler's inks and Unity

Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to my blog.
Today I am going to share my daughter's wedding invitation that I designed and we actually used for her wedding that was about 6 weeks ago.
My daughter was very proud of her Mom non digital work and my hand made skills. Her invitation was unique and totally different from the usual Israeli mass production.
I made the hand stamped and colored piece and then we just made  about 300 prints and here was some catch as the printers changed the actual colors I used. They still are green, blue and yellow, but not the same colors I used to make the hand made piece. I used Ann Butler's Crafter's inks from Clearsnap (I always try to use   products that I  already have and that fit my style and those inks are just the perfect ones. ) So I grabbed Ann Butler's Limelight, Ocean Breeze, Sunshine, Blueberry Bluet  and Evergreen inks  and used a self made hand cut stencil to make the yellow sun rays on the top of the invitation. Then I stamped this lovely Unity stamp with Clearsnap Night ink (had to dry it with my heat gun as those inks are totally, gorgeously wet, but for this kind of a work I didn't need to add some heat embossing). The names and the date were printed later  with a color that is just the same as Ann Butler's Blueberry Bluet and I just sponged the front of this card size  invitation with 3 more inks.

 For the back side of the invitation I stamped circles with 3 ink colors and just different jar lids. I need to say that this final arrangement of the stamped circles was my maybe 22-nd try, but finally it was right for all wording inside with times and dates and address and everything.
We added all wording with digital program and my invitation was all done.
By the way, a real digital designer asked for at least $400 to make my work, so this was a nice add- on to our wedding gift.
Disclosure: I am not sure if Unity loves my use of their stamp( that I paid for)  for the invitation that was later  printed. But I did it for my own daughter's wedding, for free and nobody is going to use it again. It's one time use for a great girl and a great boy very much in love! In no way it was a commercial use!

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