Tuesday 4 August 2015

Inks swatch tag book with Ann Butler's products

Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to my monthly post made for Ann Butler's blog.

Today I am going to show you a kind of " organisation with a twist" project.
I already own all 12 of Ann Butler's  Crafter's inks from Clearsnap (waiting for much more to come in the future);and with 12 inks this is a right time to make a small swatch book  for a personal use, like all " big stars" make and I never  thought of.
So I found exactly 12 pre- made tags in the right size to fit Ann Butler's Faux Quilting 2'' Unity stamps on the corner. From here it was a lot of work and a lot of fun.
The full post  can be seen in Ann Butler's blog HERE!You all are invited to visit and to leave some love!

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