Monday 9 March 2015

New necklace and ring with ETI

Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to my  new post.  All of those projects were made with ETI PRODUCTS and I added a few step by step photos for each one too.
So here we go!

And now to my new project madr for this post: fancy necklace and a ring made in no time (unless the beading time counts).

A few days ago I made a red rose for another project. As I had a lot of ETI High gloss finish in red , I made 3 roses and added whatever was left to another mold to make a focal piece for a necklace.

By the way, I made a hole with a needle after a few hours of hardening, but then I didn't use it as I made a layered focal piece, so I just covered the hole with a rhinestone. But it shows you that holes can be easy made without any drills.
And this is my finished jewelry with a ring made from one red rose and a focal piece made with metal base and some add- ons.

I want to thank ETI  and Ann Butler , who made those guest blog post possible!

1 comment:

  1. וואו, זה מדהים! איפה משיגים את החומר הזה???


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