Saturday 24 January 2015

Meg's Garden mini book

Hello my dear crafty friends!
Today I am going to share  my third project made with Meg's Garden most beautiful French Garden mini book kit.
This time I made this folded from one single 12*12'' (30*30 cm) cardstock book . A few years ago I made a full tutorial about this kind of folded mini album and since then it's my most visited post. So here is a link to my own previous tutorial and then you  are going to see the new book with the same folding.
Folded book tutorial by Irit Shalom

I made the base using corrugated Kraft cardstock and as this kind of an album should be pretty flat (the only way to close it after all is to leave it flat), I made a bit of embellishing over the cover and the inside  is pretty much minimalistic.

And the side view of this cover:

I added Meg's Garden flowers, but misted them a bit with a light pink mist to get the color that fits the ribbon and embossing powder colors.
All ribbons, transparency butterflies, paper lace , fibers  and a metal piece are from Meg's Garden shop. I just added some pearls and a chipboard title .

Now we begin to open my book by unfolding the cover to the left.

And a bit of a side view of this page:

Another unfold with middle section up:

 Now the middle piece is going down and we can see actual photos of my lovely grandchildren.

And the full unfolded mini with more lovely photos:

As you can see it's a very easy album and you don't need more than a good basic cardstock, lovely photos and great Meg's Garden products. 2 hours mostly and you have this gorgeous gift album made and ready to become the most precious present to your loved ones.

Meg's Garden products used:
French Garden kit
Vintage trinkets
Butterfly transparency
Paper lace

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