Tuesday 28 October 2014

Spooky with Sweet Stamps

Hello my dear crafty friends!
  This is my last post for Sweet Stamps company as after 18 months on this most generous team I decided to move on and to try new adventures.  So here is my Spooky project for this week's challenge  and this time I made altered chipboard tray with a few stamped images inside and some  stickers added to the free spots in the tray.

  I used Sweet Stamps AF Halloween Silhouettes set , Tando creative tray, Paper House Productions stickers, FWAB bling and IAm Roses black flowers.  I decided to stay in this black- grey and orange colors only and I think it's a nice Halloween project.


  1. Awesome design, I love the variety of elements and the wonderful textures. Wonderful spooky person in the frame too!!

  2. This is so fab!!! All the detail and the composition is amazing! Love the altered art!
    Cannot believe it is you last card for SweetStamps.com!! I will be back for some of your lovely inspiration as always! Good Luck!! xx

  3. The SS images work in well with all the embellishments, cute design.

    Congrats on the Just Card publishing.


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