Monday 8 September 2014

Imaginarium GD post #1

Hello my dear crafty friends!
This month I am doing a Guest Designing for Imaginarium chipboard company and this is my first post for them.

 Here is a full post if you want to see all products and bio and  anything else.
My first project made with the most gorgeous Imaginarium chipboards: layout made with a lovely photos of my twin girls.
I know that maybe it's not so trendy layout  after all as on a scale of   Pocket scrapbooking  Project life style  on one edge and very messy and very artistic Mixed Media pages on the other one, this layout is a bit  " out of the date". But there are two main reasons for my scrapping in this style. First one is the meaning of scrapbooking itself. I believe that we scrap to tell a story so our family can remember it and  it works great with Project Life style that I don't like  and doesn't work at all with pure artistic Mixed Media style that I do like a lot, but as my altered projects.Then I believe that working with manufacturer products should make those products your page stars and it's totally impossible with all those tons of gesso, mists and paints when you do a very artistic page.So I made a close to classic page with one focal photo and a lot of Imaginarium chipboards as my main embellishments  and I think that this page tells a story and showcases the chipboards in the best possible way.

The clock face was inked with distress ink and heat embossed with clear embossing powder to give it this "water drops" look. The border long piece was inked with the same ink and left in this a bit distress way.

As you can see I made the " Simple things matter most" title and it's really the perfect title for my girls: they are so much connected in love and they are just two halves of  one unique creature called twins with all those small things that only they can understand.
Most of the chipboards used here were covered with embossing powders, but it a couple  of different ways.
The title was  covered with clear embossing ink and then  with a thick layer of white powder and pink powder was heat embossed over the basic white layer.

The butterflies added over the photo and near the title were covered with a mix of pastel embossing powders.
Then I decided to make the " art gallery wall" with hand cut  from patterned paper frames and made  the chipboards  display inside the frames. All words and shapes were inked with pigmented  light green ink and some of the pieces were glazed over with Glossy Accents.

 Please come back in a week or so for another Imaginarium project .
Visit Imagianrium blog to see the full supply list .

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