Wednesday 2 July 2014


Hello my dear crafty friends! Irit is here and this is our All about time month. A lot of things come  to our mind  while  we think about time. It can be  just " I am so late" or " times passed so fast" things; but then it can be anything about a moment in time, good or bad, or just things that happened during some time period.
 So after a lot of self " brain storming" I decided to make this altered journal for my memories of year 2014. The year is still " in process", so I just made a cover and then I am going to add some journal pages, Mixed Media or regular scrappy style, not sure about it. But I was pretty much sure about my love to WOW! PRODUCTS and used them a lot over this fancy shabby/Vintage cover.

The basic paper products are from Marion Smith line, but then I used tons of embossing powders to change my embellishments to textures and colors that I like.
The whole cover was embossed with Olive Green powder.
The resin white Prima bird was embossed with Primary Chartreuse color.
The metal bird and clock charm was embossed with Metallic Brass and so was the stick pin on the top of the cover and the centre of molded upper flower. The flower outer sides were embossed with Primary Apple Red.
The big bottom flower was made with WOW! mold and as I didn't like the color I got, I embossed it over with the same Primary Apple Red. This flower metal base was also embossed with Gold powder and  bit of Olive Green around.(hard to see, but it's there).

As you can see WOW! POWDERS are perfect for any surface: paper, plastic, metal and then (not on this project) fabric, foil, transparency and.... You name it- I emboss it. And the results are gorgeous!

See you next month with more WOW! inspiration.


  1. Scrapbooks say much about those that crate them. Your cover is spectacular. It is nice to see someone paying attention to the little details and not just the big stuff. Beautiful work Irit.

  2. Great Blog!! That was amazing. your blog is really eye catching and beautiful. thanks for sharing.. Laser Leather Film


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