Thursday 22 May 2014

Viva Las VegaStamps! DT Tryout

Lately my only reason to try DT call is  my total love of the company products. Nothing more. And as I really love VLVS! products (having a few dozens of their stamps means I do love them), I decided to try this open call . (Again , the only reason to try open calls is your total love  for the products, nothing more)
So here is my parade of VLVS!  projects and some other stamped projects too  assembled into one single post for this call.
 Most of my stamped project here are altered ones, also I tried to add some cards and  scrapboking too to show my versatility.
 So the first one is a very new altered printers tray made as my " lost way to Wonderland" . It contains a cover, the back cover and the inside tray all stamped with VLVS stamps and made as what I think as a Wonderland.

The second  project is this ATB that I made with A LOT of VLVS!  and I really love this dark, almost monochromatic piece of art.

And the last one is my new stamped layout- totally different style (I added it just to show the mixture of my crafty styles, such as vintage, dark and grungy and then cute and colorful)
I really hope that my  VLVS! like my work and cross my fingers for the positive answer.Anyway I made my step and now it's just a waiting time.

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