Thursday 26 December 2013

2013: My favorite 10 layouts

Year 2013 is very close to the end. It was a pretty good year for Shalom's family.
We moved to a nice new apartment (bye-bye to 3 floors and 7 bedrooms! We just need this one floor 4 bedrooms size now). My new dear granddaughter Neta was born 4 months ago and  our first grandson Omer will be 3 yo on 1/1/14 (he was born on 1/1/11...great date to remember).
We visited  Armenia, Vietnam and Cambodia. We danced as nobody was watching (but like 200 other dancers on each and every session). My girls were graduated from college. Today one of them has her accounting bar  first final exam. And I had a good crafty year too.
I continued to design for Tando and Inspired by Stamping companies and stay there for another term.
I designed for Visible Image, 100 Proof Press and Paper Wings Productions stamp companies (one more month for PWP left). I designed for WOW! Embossing Powders global team after a year on USA team.
I still design for Flourish with a Bling , Wycinanka and FabScraps for a few more months in 2014.
I was a guest designer for 4 months  for Faber Castell DMC and guest designed for Artistcellar and Inkido. I won a lot of non random challenges and was print and web published in UK, USA and Australia. I just got one new manufacturer DT to begin  soon (can't tell yet who it is) and was asked to be a  2014 guest designer for 2 more companies (one chipboard company and one die producer).
So now for my most favorite projects (as I already posted each year since I blog), and today is my layouts day.
I tried to pick the most versatile layouts for this showcase, as I scrap in a lot of styles and sometimes I just feel that I need to change my style a bit to be more creative.
So here are my most faves (in  my own opinion)
 A lo made with a photo of my dear parents like 57 year ago.My Dad passed away 2 year  ago and it's a kind of my tribute to my parents great love

A tribute to my Dad's life action: he was a well known composer

A selfie lo: I don't do it too much. So here is one I like.

One for my dear girls.

And now to my darling drandkids

Omer is a star (actually the studio photos are, I just designed  around them a bit)

My son and his family (no Neta yet)

Hope you like my 2013 layouts and see you soon with cards, OOP projects and much more.

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