Thursday 1 August 2013

It's the little things that make Life beautiful

Yea, this is out new August challenge Quote on Flourish with a Bling  blog and this is my page made with this quote. Lucky me had exact title chipboards (also made with 3 different sets from A2Z Scraplets I designed in the past).

I used Basic Grey papers and made a very simple layout, as with this Huge title I had to keep it clean. Then I added 3 circle cut photos of SUMMER beauties: flowers, ice- creams and fruits and those are little things that make our life so beautiful after all.
I added  3 FWAB products here: Red ADHESIVE PEARLS 100 PACK,    Kate's corner Flourish Black  and Jack Vine Black and they were just perfect for the color scheme. I hope you will take our challenge and will make your Beautiful small things project.

Now it's your turn! Play with our challenge and you can win some adorable goodies too!

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