Saturday 20 April 2013

Same but different- tag tutorial

Hello, my dear crafty friends!
I decided to make my "Same, but different" crafty project. Those are already my " over made" projects as my DT term on Visible Image was over last month. But as I already made more projects, I decided to make those posts to share my projects with you.

Lot of times we see a tutorial from one of the most popular artists over the web that is great and inspirational, but we don't feel like those "copy and paste" kind of crafters, so we just pass. I saw this tag tutorial online, and I felt that as much as I like this tag, I hate to be a " duplicating monkey" and if I would make it, it should be done in my own and totally different way. So I made a design, even with similar shapes, but not a single product the designer used was used making this project. All I used were some stamps from Visible Image company I design for and all possible Faber Castell Design Memory Craft products.
So here we go!

Step 1
Stamp some Clock stamps  from Time After Time Visible Image set with clear embossing ink; add clear embossing powder and heat emboss them as shown.

Step 2 and here the watercolor fun begins:

Pick some green and blue Gelatos and begin to play with them all over the tag. I picked 4 colors from 3 different sets (Green, Blue and Metallic):
Now spread the colors and use my favorite baby wipe to do so. Less water, less drying time till the next step. Wipe the cardstock all around to get this lovely look.

Step 3:

Stamp the small  Film strip from Movie Set randomly over the tag with  Grey Big Brush Pen, but let the tag be totally dry after the blending.  The original tutorial was to add some clear film tape, but if you have a similar  great stamp you really don't need to use all those expensive products at all.

Step 4:

Paint your chipboards. Again, the original tutorial was about to die cut your own cogs, but for this you need a die to use and I don't have it, but fortunately I do have some bare grey chipboards from Tando Creative and they were just perfect for this project.
The dry Gelatos coverage was sufficient and a bit of Light blue Big Brush made it look like an old distressed metal. I also added some gold highlights with Metallic Mixed Media Sampler Gold pen.
This is how my tag looks with all chipboards covered with paint and some more brass metal cogs added over them.

  Step 5:
Make the sentiment tag. I used a plain Kraft cardstock with 2 more stamps from Visible Image Time After Time SET  and 2 colors of Big Brushes from the Red set .
I also inked the edges with Light Blue Big Brush and added some White Gelatos to mute the cardstock around.

Step 6:
And now for the last step for this project- arrange the sentiment tag and stamp Enjoy Life over the white seam binding ribbon.
Here is my final project, very similar to the tutorial, but yet so different.

This project was originally made for Faber Castell  blog, but as I used Visible Image stamps to make it I felt like my own readers and Visible Image fans  should read it too and I just remade it here.
Hope I inspired you a bit to take a web tutorial and to make it your own design.

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