Wednesday 10 April 2013

Making my life more colorful: Last Faber Castell GDT post

This is my last post as Faber Castell Design Memory Crafts  guest designer. I can't believe that 4 month are gone... So I decided to make a project full of colors and useful too. Welcome my altered make- up bag made with canvas flowers and a lot of Faber Castell  products.
This is an old NEW make up bag my DD left behind when she moved to her own apartment. But is was so black and so unseen , so I decided to mist a lot of Naturals LYB goodies and to make it bright and shiny. I really love those colors of canvas flowers over the black surface. I also added a wooden misted charm and it was done and useful.

It was a great pleasure to guest design for Faber Castell Design Memory Craft and I hope to be back with them some day.
Thanks Naoko for a great chance to design for your company!

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