Monday 4 February 2013

Scrap your favorite song

Sometimes we found a good  photo and then find a title and all possible embellishments to scrap it. Sometimes it's just an opposite  way: you have a great  title in your mind and then you try to  take a photo that fits this title. Sometimes you just have this favorite song in your mind and then you take a photo and you  keep it for 2 years to find a perfect embellishment for  both. And this page is just this kind of a page: for year I was looking for a good photo to scrap this " Windmills of your mind" song. I had some of my dear hubby from our Greece vacation and then I've seen this 100 Proof Press  Windmill  view stamp and this page was born.

This is a Mixed Media page made with gesso and Tando Creative mask; a lot of distress  stains splashes; some water colored paints around and more gesso over it.
I stamped this 100 Proof Press  Old script stamp around, added  their stamped Camera  35 mm stamp and then printed the song and stamped 2 windmills  for this journaling corner.
And  it's all about the circles of the life, all page goes in circles. And then I added this clock (past the minute of it's face) and this page was done. I want the song and the photos be the main part, so no more embellishments and colors- I need this white space to make the main parts significant.

See you with more 100 Proof Press projects in a few days. And don't forget that we also run a great monthly challenge in our blog and this month it's all about Love.
I enter this to Artastic challenge- sea, colors,  sun, also no bathing ourfits.


  1. Oh I love this layout! I love mixed media layouts... and gesso! Going to have to go look at the Tando Creative Masks!

  2. Love your layout, love all of the details and techniques. TFS such an amazing work of art.

  3. Love your layout, love all of the details and techniques. TFS such an amazing work of art.


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