Saturday 9 February 2013

Back to my handmade Calendar: January and February pages

About a month ago I  got this lovely blank calendar from 100 Proof Press shop and made the cover. I decided to make the monthly page each month and to show it in my blog, but January was a very busy blog month with a few guest design teams etc, so I will show you both January and February pages at once and then continue with monthly  posts.
So here is the cover again-  with full Calendar  Blocks stamp.

I decided to make my monthly pages in the very  similar layout: a tag, a month stamped and cut from the 12 month calendar stamp, an open book stamp and small stickers month name over it. The colors are a fit to the month, some washi tape keeps the tag  and some small embellishments.
So he is my January: winter blues and greys, some shiny color splashes, a metal charm painted with enamel paint over it. It screams Winter and January. (Authentique papers as my double background)

And now for February- also it's still winter, I made it in a very vintage Valentine style , with Pion Designs  papers, pink letters, some mute Petaloo flowers and a gorgeous Handmade Halo glass pebble.
Again- month February stamped and cut and the open book to make the word with stickers. And yes, it's a bit bulky and after 3-4 4 month I need to take some embellishments off if I want to leave it on the wall. So what? I love it this way for a whole month!

Hope you like it too.
Want to make a similar project? 100 Proof Press blank calendar is in the shop and 2 stamps you need to make this project are there too: Calendar and Open Book. Everything else is " whatever you have at home and don't use...". So go and use it!

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