Tuesday 1 January 2013

Visible Image January challenge: Time flies

Hello my dear stamping friends!  Happy New Year to all of us!
You are invited to our Visible Image January challenge and this time it's all about Time! Make any kind of stamped project with clocks, dates, timeline and everything about time and enter it to our challenge here to win some great stamps and to be our Top 3.
Here is my project made for this challenge- I used Time After Time  set on this Kaisercrafts products tag and it's really all about time.

Subscribe on our newsletter! All information is in our blog!Great deals, ideas, prizes and anything you need for more stamping inspiration. You can find all info in our Blog. And last , but not least: the shipping costs all around the world are just 3$ flat rate and are free for UK. Really very low price for the International shipping and you can buy as much as you want for this flat rate cost of shipping. Great deal!

And Like our FB page too- lots of " for the members only" promos can be found there.
See you on Friday with my regular Visible Image post!

Visible Image Blog Badge, Blinkie

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