Friday 7 December 2012

Visble Image Friday: Bits and Pieces of altered art

Hello, my dear Visible Image friends!
Today is Friday and it's my posting date for Visible Image stamp DT. So today I am going to show you 2 projects made with a help of Visible Image stamps, also this week stamping is not a major part of those projects. I just want to show that you can use Visible Image stamps here and there, even if the major part of your project is an alteration and not stamping.
The first project today is this altered  chipboard necklace made on a base of Tando Creative chipboards.

The inner chipboard piece (white one) was stamped with Visible Image Bronte Border  stamp and black Memento ink. Then I added this heat embossed with Black powder outer piece and filled the holes with Glossy Accent as this is a wearable  project, do I wanted the stamped parts to be all covered. The lower piece was stamped with Music  Background  stamp and covered just the same way. We still can see those great stamps, also flowers are the major point of this project.
 And some close ups too

I enter this project to some web challenges:
Anything but a card for Tuesday Alchemy
 Crafting for all seasons- Flowers

 My second project for today is this altered banner, made with Tando Creative triangle banner and I decided to call it " LOVE" also it's not this usual kind of love we think about, but my love for things on this banner. Yes, I am in love with vintage colors, butterflies, birds, roses, blings and everything in between. I used some Glitz stickers to add some  interest to this piece and the only stamp I used here is this Visible Image Butterfly Large  stamp over the letter L.

 Look on this butterfly image! It was stamped with  Clear embossing ink, heat embossed with red powder and them misted with brown mist all over.

I am going to show you all other letters, also those are not stamped pieces as I decided to submit this project to a  magazine and they  clean projects.

Hope you got some inspiration from this piece and now jump to Visible Image shop to get you some great and non expensive stamps. New releases are just arrived ! See you next Friday with more Visible Image inspiration!

P.S. Subscribe on our newsletter! All information is in our blog!Great deals, ideas, prizes and anything you need for more stamping inspiration. You can find all info in our Blog. And last , but not least: the shipping costs all around the world are just 3$ flat rate and are free for UK. Really very low price for the International shipping and you can buy as much as you want for this flat rate cost of shipping. Great deal!
And Like our FB page too- lots of " for the members only" promos can be found there.
Also play with our challenge. Make some Holiday creation with any stamp from any company and you can win a great prize and TOP 3 badge too.
 I also enter this  to some web challenges:
 Anything goes for Craft door

Visible Image Blog Badge, Blinkie


  1. What a gorgeous chipboard necklace! I love the color combination you used, especially the gray and black with the pops of color! So pretty!

  2. i just LOVE that necklace Irit, and your banner is stunning x

  3. עירית העבודות מקסימות ובסגנון המיוחד שלך.

  4. Gorgeous projects Irit! I LOVE that necklace :)

  5. Your necklace is a work of art! Just gorgeous!
    And your altered banner is beautiful! Love the pretty design, all the cool embellishments you chose, and that butterfly is really lovely! Thank you for sharing this with us at TTCRD. Hope to see you again next week! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  6. Just loved your latest piece over at Tando, so wanted to leave a comment, but all these are so lovely too!
    Alison x

  7. Gorgeous!! Thank you for joining Tuesday Alchemy!

  8. Beautiful Irit! Very pretty! Hugs, J

  9. These pictures are very beautiful.

  10. Also I would like to share with you the hacker wallpaper for the phone that I just found.


Would love to read your kind comments