Saturday 3 November 2012

Visible Image new stamps release

Visible Image have 3 new stamp sets released today and those are my projects with a set I got: Free Your Imagination set.
This set is just perfect for any Mixed Media artist and fantastic for scrapbooking backgrounds. You don't need to make all those splashes and splatters with paint any more. Just stamp them and you got your perfect distressed background.

As your can see this is a kind of an altered art piece: not a card or tag, also it can be added to an art journal, but not with those 3d items on it.And one thing more: the big splatter is a BIRD stamp. I just made it a splatter stamping it vertically.
Some tips  here:
Want this vintage look? Stick to brown shades  and add just 2 more colors that are known as Vintage. Don't overdo it with all possible embellishments. I could add flowers, ribbons, lace etc to this piece, but then the message will be underestimated and unseen.
Don't afraid to be " blind" on some stamps. Use them in a totally different way as I did with a bird stamp.
I used 4 of 6 stamps from this set   with 3 inks only and  Prima patterned paper and cuts.
And now go to the Visible Image  shop and free your imagination! All three stamp set are released.
Just imagine what you can craft with each of those stamp sets!
Hope you got some inspiration from this piece and now jump to Visible Image shop to get you some great and non expensive stamps. New releases are just around the corner! See you next Friday with more Visible Image inspiration!

P.S. Subscribe on our newsletter! Great deals, ideas, prizes and anything you need for more stamping inspiration. You can find all info in our Blog. And last , but not least: the shipping costs all around the world are just 3$ flat rate. Really very low price for the International shipping and you can buy as much as you want for this flat rate cost of shipping. Great deal!
And Like our FB page too- lots of " for the members only" promos can be found there.
Also play with our challenge. This month WE CHALLENGE YOU to make a sparkle creation and to win some gorgeous prizes.

See you next Friday with more inspiration made with this new released set!


  1. Irit, this is wonderful, how are you my dear friend, not spoke to you in ages, how wonderful are these stamps, have to have them, xxxxx

  2. A fabulous project and how clever to use the bird stamp as a splodge! x

  3. Irit I fall in love with this piece more & more each time I see it! It just looks gorgeous and as always, I love your embellishments!


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