Saturday 9 June 2012

Inspired by Stamping - June release recap

Hello again. my dear stamping friends! Today is a final June release recap  from Inspired by Stamping DT and I am going to show you another 2 stamp sets I used for this month hop.
Then visit all other girls blogs and I know they have an amazing inspiration for you made with all new fantastic stamp sets.

And this is my final June release project: altered mini printers tray from Tando Creative  with all kinds of potions- Love, Life , Dreams and Hope.

I used Vintage Backgrounds , 4 of 6 stamps, to make my metal embossed backgrounds. Then I added the titles from Little Phrases set over 7Gypsies small tags and added them over chipboard metal embossed bottles (Tando Creative) . Then I made one big Hope stamped word  using Vintage Words set, made it over the same tags packaging (great piece for recycling, but as it is glossy you need to use Staz-On to stamp it). Then I added TH metal wings, some Webster netting and some flowers.

Hope I inspired you this month and see you next month with another gorgeous Inspired by Stamping new release (I don't even know what it's going to be, but I am sure it will be delightful as always).

Here is  our DT list:

 Deb H


  1. Gorgeous printers tray, love all the elements. Deb xxx

  2. Gorgeous Irit! Love this! Hugs, J

  3. This is soooo cool! I love it!


Would love to read your kind comments