Sunday 6 May 2012

Forever Young

My dear parents were married about 57 years and were madly in love for all those years together. Last  December my Dad passed away. He was 82 years old and a very well known Israeli composer. So this page' made with Lily Bee products in his memory and in memory of this huge love. Music paper was just perfect, the piano pair - even better.

I used this new April A2Z Scraplets release for my title, some Prima flowers and pearls and some heart buttons too.This page is a prove that you don't need to scrap just in vintage colors for older people, if in their souls they are Forever Young.


  1. עירית
    הכתיבה שלך על הוריך מרגשת מאד ועיצוב הדף מקסים והולם ליצירה של אבא שלך ולאהבה הגדולה של הזוג היקר ביותר בחייך.
    שיהיה לך שבוע מקסים.

  2. Your LO is beautiful. A very sweet tribute page.
    Thank you for sharing! :) {Hugs}

  3. Beautiful page!!! Wonderful loving story about your parents, they were truly blessed.

  4. Incredible beautiful--the page and the story!

  5. so sweet and you are lucky to have them as parents. I miss my dad too.


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