Wednesday 8 February 2012

So happy to join The Rubber Cafe DT!

Hello, my dear blogging friends! Today I have a special happy announcement to share: I made this great Design Team on The Rubber Cafe!

During all my crafting years I tried to be the most possible versatile crafter: I scrap, make cards, alter, make Mixed Media projects, out of the page ones, I make jewelry, work with polymer  clay,  play with beading and ... sometimes I stamp... Not too much. But it seems to be pretty  good, as this I made my second stamp company DT this year and I am so thrilled to be on this most talented group of artists!
In my DT application I told them that if they are looking for cute coloring of images, I am not their girl. Now I understand that they were looking for something totally different and I was one of their girls after all.
So for the next 6 month I am going to inspire you all with the most gorgeous stamps, the most perfect glue (yes,TRS company produces glue!) and  with all other products from The Rubber Cafe sells.
You just need those stamps and the shipping rates are just close to zero, International rates are so low that you need to order! The have Spellbinders too, some low shipping rates. Just go and order!
And for my dear Israeli friends: The Rubber Cafe have Jewish sets of stamps! Lot of them!
Thanks for a chance to design for this great company again.
And here is a link to the team blog with a list of all our designers

See you with my weekly posts soon.


  1. congrats cant wait to work with you!

  2. Congrats!!!! Great to have you on the team. Can't wait to get to know you better. :)

  3. Congratulations Irit on making the New Team! I know you will be amazing :)


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