Saturday 24 December 2011

Paint and emboss tutorial

Hello, dear Creative friends! Irit is here again and this time we are going to learn how to heat emboss Creative Inspirations shiny paints.

Product list:

White bare chipboards- clouds and sun: Tando Creative

Blue ink : Quick Quotes

Yellow ink: Ranger

White paint: Plaid

Creative Inspirations paints: Light Yellow, Sea glass, Canary

Clear Embossing powder

Heat gun

Step 1: Ink your white chipboards with directly to the pieces inking, yellow for the sun and blue for the clouds. Let it dry.

Add a bit of white acrylic paint with fingers, random spots here and there over the clouds only. Let it dry.

Step 2: Still with your fingers add some Sea glass paint over the clouds, cover your white paint a bit. Add some clear embossing powder over the wet paint and heat it with your heat gun. Let it bubble as much as you want, then let it dry. Your clouds are finished.

Step 3: Add some yellow paints randomly and with fingers over your yellow inked sun. Add a lot of clear embossing powder and heat it a lot till you see bubbles and let it dry.

Step 4 and final: Adhere you painted shapes on your finished project, I made those shapes for this shiny and adorable page of my first and only grandson Omer.

See you  in two  weeks with another fun tutorial!

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