Tuesday 20 September 2011

Paper tiger lo

This is the very last photo of our cat Donny - he left us, probably  he knew those were his last days to live, after 14 and more years and  this was his most favorite place to nap. So here is his last page- made with Bella Blvd  products and Tando Creative mask and chipboards. He just loved birdies and was chaising them all over the yard for his whole life- never caught one.. LOL..


  1. עירית
    התמונה של דוני מזכירה לי את קיטי גם היא אהבה לשבת על מכשירים ובעיקר על הממיר שמפיץ חום.אני ממש מתגעגעת אליה ובטח את לדוני.

  2. Ohhh I totally dig the masking!!! This turned out lovely!!


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