Saturday 25 June 2011

I am a Robin's Nest girl!!

Horray!! I am one of the new Robin's  Nest DT members!! I am so thrilled to be the only International DT member! They loved my tutorial and I love their  products , so I think it can WIN-WIN situatuin for both of us. I am sure you will see lots and lots of their glitter paper and those best ever Dew Drops on my creations
So  here is Robin's blog- you are invited to follow us there- many splendid things are going to happen next year with this company
And here is Robin's Facebook page- just Like use  as much as we like all of you
And see you on my first post- it takes time for Robin's products to get to Israel, so it will be in a month or so
Thanks Robin's Nest for a chance to design for you and I hope to do my very best

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