Thursday 17 March 2011

5 @Spring lo

This page will be published in SNR April 2011 issue
This page was born in tears and sweat- just try to think about punching 40 or something squares and than glue them on a crossword page and then try to use all 5  sences I wanted to be on it and to build a page around it with cutting your photos to fit the space..
Never again.. Also I am pretty sure this was not done yet my way..
So this page is for spring-  the best ever season we want to smell, taste, hear, touch and see..
And 3 new packs of Thickers were also used for this page.. Too-too much for one " no peeps" page.
And as it was too busy inside, I decided to drop an idea to add some birds, butterflies or other flying objects I thought to add..

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