Saturday 8 January 2011

Scrap with V blog hop

Happy New Year and welcome to the First Scrap With V Blog Hop and welcome to my blog

You should have arrived to my blog from this blog from Chris Wormald blog  
      If that is not where you arrived from, then please join us at Scrap with V to start the hop from the beginning so you don't miss a thing! You must be a follower of Scrap with V, visit all the blogs, and comment and become a follower  on every blog in order to be entered to win one of the three random
prise draws
But wait!! Here is much more  for you
Show us a layout you have done based on the theme New Beginnings, put it on your blog and link it to the comments in the Scrap with V post and go into the Grand Prize Draw
Here are a few of my creations based on the New Beginnings Theme

This double page lo is the whole Jewish wedding ceremony on 2 pages:my son's and his pretty bride wedding from the beginning to the end made with 13 photos on 2 pages
I tried to keep is clean and simple- you can't add too much over 13 photos as the photos are the main
point of those pages
And as this page is a new and never shown- I enter it to some web challenges too
Frosted designs: more than 3- more than 3 photos- 13 actually, more than 3 butterflies  etc

And here some more of my recent wedding pages - not never posted, but still brand new

And as this is my second wedding album- for the parents- the wedding was 2 years ago and just a week ago my very first grandson was born
His name is Omer and  he is the best thing  one can want as a New Year present
So say Hi to Omer- you will see a lot of him here in the future

Now just hop to Amanda Jones blog for the rest of the hop

And if you are lost- just go back to SCRAP WITH V blog and find your way to finish this hop
And some candy for my own readers  too
I just opened my Face book page here. So I will draw a candy - 2-3 big stamp sets- the photo will be added later- between all my scrappy  FB friends- old and new
All you have to  do is to became my FB friend
Non scrappers- sorry this time- this candy is not for you, you just can't use it
If you are my FB friend- you are in my draw and if not- ask me and be one
I will do the draw at January 15 th when this hop ends and it's open to anyone on the globe
!Happy New Year to you all and have a wonderful year of scrapping ahead


  1. Wonderful!! Thank you this looks great!!! Jodi XX

  2. absolutely beautiful wedding layouts & congratulations to all on the arrival of your gorgeous grandson ... lots of photos to scrap now !!!
    luv X:)

  3. Beautiful layouts !!!! Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful grandson !!! xx♥

  4. You are so talented, love the LO's

  5. OMG - I love cute baby sleeping photos - I NEVER took enough of my kids!!

  6. Stunning Layouts Irit..JUst love your blog!

  7. Gorgeous your pages!!! Congrats on becoming a grandmother...such a gorgeous little man!! HOP HOP HOP...

  8. beautiful wedding LO's & pics of the bride..gorgeous!! what a treasure you GS is, i'm sure you will enjoy having him around xx

  9. Every page is beautiful xx

  10. Lovely lo's Irit! congrats on the grandson

  11. This layout is Gorgeous! I love it!

  12. Your layouts are absolutely gorgeous - so many beautiful details!

    I just discovered your blog on this hop and am now a follower. So nice to meet you!

  13. beautiful work Irit!!as always you inspire me! and that baby is sooooooo sweet!congrats GRAMMIE!!

  14. love the double LO, and all the photos on it. also love that photo wedding photo of the bride and groom walking down the road. Gorgeous LOs

  15. What a beautiful bride. Love the layouts.

  16. Congratulations grandma! Your grandson is beautiful! And your wedding LO is stunning!! I love the way you used the butteflies throughout and then just a pop of color with the red letters! Thanks for taking on our 3+ photo challenge at Frosted Designs this week!
    barb :)

  17. You have such elaborately decorated layouts...they're fabulous! :)
    I don't think i have space on my pages to make such kinds of decorations...i always seem to overdo it with the photos, i put too many on a page, hehe!


Would love to read your kind comments