Wednesday 2 February 2011

Mr.& Mrs. wedding page

One  of my new 2011 year resolutions was to scrap in simple style- not too much of everything on  one page, as much as I can.. Not so easy for a " busy" scrapper like me.
So this wedding page was done according to my resolutions and it is a pretty simple one.
 I used Scrap with V February sketch - but with my twists, and I think it's a very clean wedding page with minimum embellishments.
The focal point is this sephia photo, but  this Tando Creative chipboard huge gate (a gate to a new family life) is the second focal point here and I just added some twine to connect them both.
The paper are MME, Prima flowers, Recollections blings, MME  and AC letters and some border punching, The white gate was inked a bit  and I added a piece of Prima printed transparency on the corner to complete a scene on this page.


  1. Love the direction of the fence going into the photo. Very well done.

  2. That is so pretty! I love the gate.

  3. Very nice page. I love the gate. I also wanted to congratulate you on being a PKS Guest Designer. I look forward to seeing your projects in May.


Would love to read your kind comments