Tuesday 18 January 2011

8 days of light lo

I know- Hannucka is all over, but Crafting Jewish style had this sketch challenge and I still had some Holiday photos to scrap- so this lo  was done, showing  my daughter and her friends celebrating this Holiday far away from as 2 years ago in Orlando Florida. Their home made Sufganiot and Latkes was not so proffecionally baked, but horray for the afford.
 Just to clarify the details: other than Jewish symbols- the stars are for those girls- one mine and her good friend cooking and baking by themselves long way from home in Florida 2 years ago.
The white paint around is  for the baking mess they most probably did.


  1. Very pretty I like how sparkly the menorah is.

  2. Beautiful layout! I really love your work! We are holding a DT call at Lasting Memories. If you're interested, please join us in this week's recipe challenge and write DT after your name.


  3. Lovely layout. The paint around the edges gives a beautiful frame to the whole lo.
    Thank you for playing with us at Frosted Designs and I hope you'll join us on our next challenge too.

    דף עליז ויפה והמיסגור עם הצבע מוסיף הרבה.

  4. Really cute layout! I love how you have symbolic things for telling your story (like the stars, etc). The pain makes a perfect edge!

    Thanks for taking the challenge at Frosted Designs!

  5. Beautiful. I really like that menorah. Thanks for playing along with us this week at Frosted Designs.


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