Monday 28 February 2011

2010:one year, one family, 4 continents lo

This lo was published in July 2011 issue
One of my most recent self challenges is to scrap in Clean and Simple style, doing multiphoto double spreads.. Ok, so here is one I did as a whole 2010 reflection
The title says it all:one year, one family and trips to 4 continents (ok- Asia is there we live, but still this is a huge continent.)
So here we are- Shalom's family:N. and Middle America trip - the photos are from the cruise and from Key West;One of my daughter's in Thailand and one of my son's in Laos- ASIA;then me and my hubby at home, in near Jerusalem woods and then in N.Italy(Europe) and Morocco(Africa)
I just hope next year anyone form this family will be in Australia , the only neglected continent on this lo.
And as this is CAS page-only 3 AC cardstocks, 2 pp from Echo park, used from both sides,a piece of Jellibean  pp- the arrows,3 AC thickers fonts, the white is slightly inked with distress ink, Jouranling envelope from Maya Road- the real juornalling in Hebrew is there,3 Studio Calico flash cards and some Echo Park banner stickers..
The last, and sure not a least- my awfull photogrphy skills.. This is the challenge for the 2011..

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