Saturday 6 November 2010

8 days you mostly eat lo

This page was published in Dec 2010 SNR ISSUE
 This page made Top 3 on Lasting memories stitching challenge- thanks!!
At the time everyine scrap the Holidays - I decided to scrap our holidays too- so this is the recipe page for our Hannukkah most favorite and  " low callories" food- kind of a doughnut with lot of jelly and anormous amoount of callories and we eat it for 8 days of the Holiday and  a month before..
And then we all  begin a diet. As  this holiday is about the oil that was found in the temple and   one small jar  ws enough for lighting the lamps for 8 days- we eat food connected with oil.. And this is one of them..
Great looking one too..
So as a recipe page  has to be simle and clear- I did it the simplest possible way for me
American crafts papers, cardstocks  and letters on Kraft base, layering, printed recipe, some faux stitching, using 2 porder punches and making self made bowl full of Sufganiot- with lots of glitters and as you  can see- no other embellishment at all..
 So now for some challenges:
Food for Trial makers
Stitching- faux - for Lasting memories
 Layers for I did it creations


  1. This is very pretty and thanks for sharing this and thank you for joining us at Lasting Memories!

  2. Lovely Irit. I really enjoyed reading about how you celebrate Hannukkah. I think I'd have no problem at all eating these yummies for 8 days. Now dieting that's another story. Thanks for sharing with Scrapping With I Did It Creations.

  3. Your layout is wonderful! Thanks for sharing the tradition with us at Trail Makers Challenge Blog this month!

  4. I love what you did with this layout!

  5. Great layout and those look very yummy!!! Thanks for joining us at TrailMakers!!!

  6. Love the embellishment you made with glitter! Thanks for playing along at Trail Makers!

  7. Absolutely yummy! Thanks for the closeup shot - love the texture!

    Thanks for joining us at TrailMakers!


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