Monday 27 September 2010

Resist mosaic technique tutorial for SNR weekly blogger

This post here was made for our SNR magazine staffers blog spotlighting and after you read this post you are very welcome to jump to SNR Magazine and to see all the rest of goodies we have for you on boards and in the our very new ( on line today) September issue of a magazine. Any kind of inspiration you need- scrapbooking pages, cards, mixed media, altered, tutorials- we have it for you there
And now for my new (3 rd) Fall tag I made just to show you the use of plain white office store A4 stickers with stamping and re-arrangement of them on the tag for your very own unique background

Step one: Take the background clear stamps you want to use and arrange them on the block or just pull your favorite rubber ones
I used here a half of this stickers piece- but if you can do all A4 and to keep it for the future projects- you are welcome to use the whole A4 piece
Stamp with a white pigment ink all over your stickers. Heat emboss it with a clear embossing powder- don't overheat here as we want our stickers be sticky after all and not a hot mess. Let it cool a bit

Step 2:Ink the embossed piece with distress inks as much as you want- do not use more than 3-4 shades unless you want it to be a mud
Cut the A2 piece into 3 thirds- we are going to use one third here and to keep the rest for the future

Step 3: Cut your chosen third into a half , take a tag your want to alter (I did my own one from orange AC cardstock ) and begin to stick your stamped and embossed stickers all over your tag- make it as some kind of mosaic and cut your pieces as mush as you need to cover the tag completely with some pattern
Ink the finished background with a bit of brown distress ink and wipe the ink from the embossed pieces. Your own background is done now

Step 4: Collage your tag pieces. This is usually a part I skip in my tutorials
as it's up to you to decide what do you want to add to your tag
I used some 7Gypsies ATC tag stapled with the matching transparency, added an eyelet and some twine, some leaves, a flower, some blings and an inked AC alphas- but it's you decision how much to add and where
Now just pull this stickers we all have and begin to play with them
And don't forget to jump to SNR magazine


  1. This is so cool. I really want to try it out. Thanks so much for sharing the 'how-to'.

  2. היי יקירתי :)
    עבודות מדהימות כרגיל,
    לא ידעתי אם תוכלי לדעת, למה לא קיבלתי אימייל מSNR
    עדיין בכדי לצפות במגזין של ספטמבר? שלחתי אימייל אישור
    היה כתוב בזה שהם שלחו לי שהם ישלחו לי אחד בתשע שעון
    שזה לפני חצי שעה בערך?

  3. What an awesome idea! Thank you for sharing and I am going to try it out tomorrow!


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