Wednesday 11 August 2010

Morocco 2010- It's amazing here lo

This LO was published in September 2010 issue of SNR magazine
I am not really sure what I was thinking when I did this page- so " not me " page
3 month ago we went to this great vacation to Morocco and I never scrapped a single photo from this trip- I have about 200 good ones , even of not photogenic me.. So first of all I decided to do some " introduction pages"- just to show the beauty of the land.. And here begins this
" not Irit lo": I used a paper kit.. Marrakesh BG kit was made for this case- and is not my cup of tea.. or coffee... or juce... Too busy, too BG(yes, they have great paper that I can't work with. Period.)Then I decided to do multi photo page and it's not me at all- I can scrap up to 4 photos on a single page lo , but then I crop them to small circles or whatever.. But to crop these ones means to crop the nature and to left us.. Who will know where these photos were taken after this cropping? So I left them pretty big .. And now after all of this I didn't have space for my real love- embellishments..
Wow- to many things around were messed with this page- but I'l keep it anyway
And again- no more page kits.. I just couldn't use these stickers- but some borders only, they are too flat for my taste.. I don't like the letters too- so I added some stickles all over- they are too flat too.
At least I added some real Moroccan shoe and tassel and a great Prima flower with some Prima buttons and some ribbons as borders- to break this anemic kit.. And again- sorry all BG lovers-this are not you, that's me - a strange bird who doesn't fit this company paper.
I still have 16 pieces of paper- so I will probably use the rest of the kit too and will complain again. BE READY!!


  1. it might not be your style but it turned out great! i love the tassel - and the flower - such wonderful texture!

  2. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee this!!! love the photos, the flower and that tassel!!! Thanks soooooooooooooooo much for playing along with Scrapping the Music! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. This is beautiful!Love the flower and tassel and those colors are great!
    Thank you so much for joining us at STM!

  4. Absolutely beautiful!!! Love those papers and the embellies are perfect!!! Thanks for joining in the fun at STM!!!

  5. WOW you are not wearing only black, that's a new thing! Great LO, the shoe & tassel seem very authentic. BG works even for you :-)
    Dorly Weitzen


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