Tuesday 2 March 2010

My newest publication in Scrapbooking news and review February (delayed) issue

The February issue of Scrapbooking news and review was a bit delayed due some family reasons ans it's on web now and I have 3 of my los published there.
2 of them were here in my blog and will be back in 30 days time -
"Addicted to shopping" and " I hope for more time with you"
The 3 rd one is very new and called " 4 of 6 cousins" and was not yet posted- so it will be here in Apryl only. I know that this web magazine is paid one- but it's great and only costs only about 5$ for month - so if you have a subscription you can see my work on " Current calls " sections of Faith, Playfull and fun and Circles.
And if you don't have a subscription- you can do it for very little $$$ as I did- also I get the free issue with any publicaton- but still it's my small support for this magazine.
And for little summary: my first out of Israel publication was in Dec. 2009.
Since than I had 17 los and 2 cards published and I have 6 more los to be published in April . Not bad for unknown Israeli scrapper. Really not bad.


  1. Congratulations on your publications!! So deserving!! And so exciting for you!!
    Love Lou xx

  2. not bad at all!
    עירית כל הכבוד לך! בהחלט מגיעות לך כל המחמאות האפשריות והפירגון.
    בתקופה כל כך קצרה יחסית מאז פתיחת הבלוג, עשית והגעת רחוק מאוד! פשוט עלייה מטאורית!!!!
    בזכות הפירגון שלך את מושכת אחריך בנות נוספות שמגיעות להישגים נאים ביותר.
    אנחנו בהחלט על המפה!!!!


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